View Full Version : Hey Crazy

04-24-2003, 03:07 AM
Hi Crazy :wave: Thought if you were up to it we'd have a small training session I think Dark You and I or maybe one other person could just work on some things that might help you (not that your bad) better yourselves in game.

04-24-2003, 04:37 AM
guys, I don't know the purposes of the traning sessions,
it just seems like more regular games to me,
except with normal damage. I was hoping to do
some shotty practice, but it is the same old,
everyone hitting the sd, camping the grenades,
and slay killing :jammin: everyone :jammin:
dunno, you might want to rethink the format...
and yeah, I did a 1v1 vs slay on shotty trouble,
and I would have had 0 kills if not for the first
one when he was probably waiting for someone to join...

04-24-2003, 04:44 AM
:hmmm: My idea of a good practice session is to pick one weapon, say the shotgun, and that is the only weapon to use. If you die, then nobody kills you unless you get another shotgun.

When I practice, I use an alais, and I try to practice with just the knife or shotty, and it doesn't bother me when I get killed. The other players are getting their practice and sometimes, that''s all I am trying to accomplish. Giving some of our less experienced players the opportunity to try out other moves at the expense of an alais. It works!

BTW, I love it when I survive a skurmish with only 3 or 4 points of health. Those close calls always freak me out, but man, I love the rush! :thumbs:

04-24-2003, 04:55 AM
yeah, that's cool, I have been working some levels like that.
I don't bother with aliases, being clanless, I don't have an
image to uphold, or whatever. I see some clan members
do whatever it takes to get the win (where they are glowing
blue, then pink, then red...), and I find that irritating,
it really takes away from the fun of the game. but yeah,
being in the hole with shotty, and taking out lots of rockets
and shottys, and being the last one standing...
I did that with pump shotgun today, and that was really fun.

Die Hard
04-24-2003, 08:20 PM
yeah your right Jim & Fantum :thumbs:

IMO the only 3 weapons you need are the
Shotgun (single or double) Rocket launcher
and the grenade launcher (good when someone
is tracking you)

Unless of course you are in Red Station when the
laser and machine gun are good too :wootrock:

You have to remember i used to be the ultimate
cannon whore and it has taken me ages to get
used to not using it!! Now when i play a cannon
Ho it drives me crazy :bandhead:

04-24-2003, 08:49 PM
Die Hard, you are crazy! :rofl:

04-24-2003, 09:02 PM
There is a Powerless hole, for people who really hate SD, but as far as training, it's not training so to speak but maybe a few moves to practice that I have found to be greatly helpful and I have people even from other clans ask for tip's or one on one for pointers, which I don't mind helping if I can no matter what clan they are in or if they are newbies :P

Nice to see you Jim :thumbs: Guys

04-25-2003, 08:38 AM
Great Ideas for practice,Guys :thumbs:
When do the practice start? :wave:
I must train with the shotty. :bandhead:

04-25-2003, 10:02 PM
can I practice to with u guys i need a little training
:rofl: :lol:

04-26-2003, 12:33 AM
i need a shotty training, too :yohoho:

Die Hard
04-27-2003, 10:09 AM
A good way to train with the shotty is (Sasquatch taught me this)
to find a low level light, and while jumping and running all over the
place try to keep it in your sights and fire at it.

A light is good because you can see the holes in it when you
hit it. That way you know you&#39;re on target.

The low level lights in the middle of Hole are very good to
practice on. :thumbs: