View Full Version : New TTM out! Version 2.2

06-15-2003, 12:51 PM
TTM2003 v2.2

Changes list of this version:

(fix) "chat appears twice in demoplay" bug fixed
(add) server-side irc reporting: add bDoServersideReporting=True to [ttm2003v22.TTM_IR_Config] of your ttm2003.ini
(fix) in lan games and on-line games voting announcement message ("press f7 to vote") looked like "press to vote" sometimes
(fix) TTM always forced F7 to be bound to "menu"
(add) when player wants to start voting for a map change, list of maps is taken from the server, not client
(add) server admin may define exact list of maps allowed to vote for; to do it, add following lines to ut2003.ini:


(add) support for TWM
(add) TTM's player-side settings menu now allows you to set "default character"
(chg) if voting is in progres, F7 results in voting participate window (not main TTM's menu as in earlier versions)
(add) support for UTV's SeeAll mode (thanks goes to Fnordia)
(add) TTM_IR_Config::ResolvingTimeout is new confiurable timeout to configure timeout for resolving IRC server's name
(chg) only weapons present in the map are given to the player during warmup. Now mutator-friendly
(add) 'team'/enemy skinning for non-team games
(fix) some CPU-related performance drops issues resolved
(fix) "behindview 1 in first after-warmup spawn" bug is hopefully fixed
(fix) "lava death in non-team-based gametypes sometimes results in gpf" bug is hopefully fixed

This version of TTM comes with some little mutator called TWM ("the weapon mutator"). This mutator isn't part of TTM and it's made not by TTM's team, but by separate developer, sqd|Valor. This mutator is result of recent activities in competitive Ut2003 scene when some top-players and clans repeatedly told about some problems with UT's weaponry.

here's the linky TTM link (http://www.planetunreal.com/ttm/)

as of now, the {DS} server is running the old version......but we will be switching soon enough.

TTM is a great mod for practice and is a requirement for many ladders now. Just about the best improvement to UT 2k3 to date.