View Full Version : crosshairs help!!!

06-18-2003, 05:09 AM
I use the crosshair that is a circle with the dot in the middle, and today when I was playing on the junkphreaks server, I could see it very well. I joined Frag's server tonight, and it was very faint, and there were times it was like not even having crosshairs. Also, before I had a the cross ones, and they were neon green, and same thing, come to Frag's server, and it was something totally different.

Is this something client side, or server side that keeps changing my crosshairs?? :WTF:

06-18-2003, 05:58 AM
here are the crosshairs that I use on the junkphreak server. Don't know why I can't use them on Frag's server :bawling:

06-18-2003, 08:17 PM
Grimmy that's the crosshairs I use and it works for me. :WTF:

06-18-2003, 08:30 PM
I can use that one in Frag's server, but it is like it is more transparent there. Like it is faded or something. That is why I stopped playing last night, becuase I couldn't see my crosshairs. Went over to another server, and could see em clean as day there.

Maybe it is the map or something. Will have to check em out on the custom maps, which seem to be darker colored.

06-18-2003, 08:40 PM
The ring on mine is alot thinner than yours. :hmmm:

BTW That's Machine just getting thru there before I could tack him to the wall with the BFG :P

06-18-2003, 09:07 PM
That's what I mean Shogun, there is a difference between the servers that I join. Join the junkphreaks server once with the same crosshairs that you have, and you will see the difference. They help out a lot. Can barely see them on Frag's servers :hmmm:

06-19-2003, 12:47 AM
Grimmy and gang,
Never had that problem before, and I play on many other servers including Junkphreak. I only use the dot sight enlarged to "40" though. Here are a few commands you can try:
cg_crosshairSize 24 makes crosshair bigger. default is 24, but I use 40
cg_crosshairHealth 1 when you get damaged, your crosshair changes to yellow and red as your health gets low. Default is 1(on), but I set it at 0. Trying to find a red dot on a red opponent can really suck.
ch_crosshairColor white You can change the color of your crosshair. I have only tried green, yellow, and black, but I'm sure there are more than a few others. Simply type the name of the color you want. Hopefully some of this will be useful to you.

06-19-2003, 02:06 AM
Thanks Melon you are a virtual wealth of information :thumbs:

06-19-2003, 03:05 AM
Grimmy I think I found out why it looks different, You must have downloaded a .pak file of custom crosshairs and are trying to use one of them. The junkphreaks server must have the same .pak file loaded and Frag's doesn't. LINK (http://www.bullseyecrosshairs.com/q3pure1.shtm) Now if Frag were to download this pack of crosshairs for servers sv14hair.zip (http://www.bullseyecrosshairs.com/pure/svhair14.zip) and load the enclosed .pk3 file, I'll bet you anything your crosshair would prob'ly work. Hint Hint :oooo:

BTW These are the 9 crosshairs that come with the game. LINK (http://www.bullseyecrosshairs.com/q3test1.shtm)

06-19-2003, 03:53 AM
geez grimmy whats your fov setting? im guessing 110-120?

06-19-2003, 04:32 AM
I think 120, I was reading up on it the other night. Might have to try out 360 :shifty: Then no more sneaking up on me :devil: