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06-19-2003, 10:54 AM
I just got Q3 and have been working with some player on installing the updates, mods, and patches. I'm frustrated as hell.

Could somebody please put together 1 post with all the current information so that us noobs can get everything done efficiently. :hmmm:

Please.... :bandhead:

06-19-2003, 02:05 PM
I will work on that tonight when I get home. Its all in the Quake fourm :thumbs:

06-19-2003, 04:26 PM
Pure Evil, check this link out. It's something I put together, to help those that are starting out. I just hope that I hit everything. If not, let me know what I missed and I will update it. ;)

http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?...ST&f=58&t=15413 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=58&t=15413)

06-19-2003, 06:03 PM
Here's some stuff to help you all get up to speed. :cool:

Misc. Console Commands: (Enter these commands once and they stay, You will have to enter them again for each game type i.e. UltraFreezetag, Freezetag, etc...) Important - Drop down the console "~" button while you are playing the ufreeze mod The mod has to be running for them to take effect.

Grappling hook
Example: \bind v +button5 binds it to the "v" key. You can pretty much use any key that isn't being used to do something else. Aim where you want to go and hold down the "v" key and away you go. To keep clinging to the wall, Just continue to hold down the "v" key.

Freezetag/CTF/Etc Teamspeak
Look in your menu (Setup,Controls/Misc) and assign a key for Chat Team this will allow you to talk to your team without the opposing team seeing what you are saying and also show your location on the map so they can for instance come and unfreeze you, Give strategic information like if you are being guarded or not. Better yet while in the game (Team games like Freezetag/CTF/Etc..) drop the console down and type \bind x "vsay_team help;say_team I'm frozen!" With this you would hear "I'm frozen!" and would show "I'm frozen!" (also showing location like regular talking does).

Teamchat commands (I used the h, j & k buttons, But you can use any buttons not already assigned.)
I'm Frozen = \bind h "vsay_team help;say_team I'm frozen!"
Thank You = \bind j "vsay_team praise;say_team Thank You!"
I'm on my way = \bind k "vsay_team helping;say_team On my way!"

I've been playing around with a few tweaks in Quake 3 and they help out a bunch with the speed of play. Drop down the console "~" button while you are playing the ufreeze mod the mod has to be running for them to take effect.

\set cg_gibs 0 Turns off Gibs/Bloodsplatter LINK (http://netsites.barrysworld.net/guides//quake3/TweakingQ3/)

\set cg_DRAWfps 1 Shows your frames per second LINK (http://netsites.barrysworld.net/guides//quake3/TweakingQ3/)

\set com_maxfps 125 Wanna jump high & far? ;) LINK (http://www.quake3world.com/ubb/bgfaq.html#jump) (note: make sure a display refresh rate of 125 isn't harmful to your monitor) With these numbers youŽll reach the highest point while jumping (ie, the maximum distance possible). This is because of how the Quake3 Engine works.

\set cg_fov 120 I've saved the best for last. This setting does two things, #1 Widens your field of view so you can see more on the screen. Look at the pictures on this LINK (http://netsites.barrysworld.net/guides//quake3/faq/). You have to scroll down. #2 It speeds up the action and makes it look like you are running faster. If you like SS because it so fast, then this setting is for you, Trust me! ;)

Optional In-Game Comments
Here's a few in-game comment bindings you can add if you want to. ;)
There's no sound, But both teams will see these.
Nice Shot (N button) \bind n "say Nice Shot"
Thanks (B button) \bind b "say Thanks"

06-19-2003, 07:43 PM
Thanks, just played, was fun as hell!!!! :w00t:

06-19-2003, 07:57 PM
My tip:

Run prey.


06-19-2003, 07:58 PM
Excellent, Glad you liked it :thumbs:

Hey PE, It's still in beta but guess what they also have for UT2K3? LINK (http://www.badgergoose.com/teamfreeze/index.html) I couldn't find any servers running it yet though. :bawling:

06-19-2003, 08:00 PM
Yup, I was playing ya there Pure,
Its even more fun when all the bots get booted by real players.

You were doing great too.

06-19-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Jun 19 2003, 09:58 PM
Excellent, Glad you liked it :thumbs:

Hey PE, It's still in beta but guess what they also have for UT2K3? LINK (http://www.badgergoose.com/teamfreeze/index.html) I couldn't find any servers running it yet though. :bawling:
I read they found some people to work on it again (UT2003 teamfreeze) Hope they will bring out a normal one soon.

:hmmm: Did u ask Frag if he would install it on his UT2003 server??

06-20-2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Jun 19 2003, 03:58 PM
Excellent, Glad you liked it :thumbs:

Hey PE, It's still in beta but guess what they also have for UT2K3? LINK (http://www.badgergoose.com/teamfreeze/index.html) I couldn't find any servers running it yet though. :bawling:
I've seen it, but Dissectional does our server mods and he wont touch beta anything. We'll add it eventually. ;)

06-20-2003, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by FASTway@Jun 19 2003, 04:00 PM
Yup, I was playing ya there Pure,
Its even more fun when all the bots get booted by real players.

You were doing great too.
:rolleyes: Thanks Fastway! I was glad that was a simple map! The other one had me :blink:

You were beating the hell out of me, but I loved it, I see Q3 taking over as my 2nd game instead of SSSE!

Great to see al the GM players there too. :jammin: