View Full Version : Key binding question..

07-05-2003, 04:10 AM
Is there a list somewhere that I can refer to when setting up key bindings in the console? I'm not sure what some of them are called in Q3.

:hmmm: Did that make sense?

07-05-2003, 04:49 AM
open your q3config

07-05-2003, 05:19 AM
Thanks! :thumbs:

07-05-2003, 05:37 AM
Are ya talking about the "frozen/ guarded' , "I'm frozen". "thank you" binds?

If so check out Shoguns thread, you know the pinned one! :wave: :thumbs:

07-05-2003, 01:18 PM
ahhh thanx Spike!! doh! :thumbs:

07-05-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Spike@Jul 5 2003, 01:37 AM
Are ya talking about the "frozen/ guarded' , "I'm frozen". "thank you" binds?

If so check out Shoguns thread, you know the pinned one! :wave:  :thumbs:
I meant I needed to know what some of the keys are called. For instance, the Delete key is "DEL", Page Down is "PGDN", etc.

07-11-2003, 06:06 AM
here's a bunch of keys:


// OSP
bind kp_5 menu
bind kp_uparrow weapprev
bind kp_downarrow weapnext
bind kp_leftarrow menuleft
bind kp_rightarrow menuright
bind kp_minus "topshots rg"
bind * "topshots lg"
bind kp_pgup "statsteamall"
bind kp_pgdn "statsacc"
bind kp_plus "say_team ^0<x>^3You can knock me into the lava/void^0<x>"
bind kp_ins "say_team ^2&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Someone search them out^2&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind kp_del "say_team ^1&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Someone frozen type the quad time^1&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind uparrow "toggle cg_swapSkins"
bind leftarrow "say_team ^2<x>^3Frozen^0-^2CLEAR<x>"
bind downarrow "say_team ^1&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Are you guarded?^1&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind rightarrow "say_team ^1<x>^3Frozen^0-^1GUARDED<x>"

//mandatory keys
bind e +forward
bind d +back
bind s +moveleft
bind f +moveright
bind l +speed
bind space +moveup
bind alt +movedown
bind mwheelup +button3 //taunt
bind mwheeldown "weapon 1;pip" //gauntlet
bind x "weapon 2" //mg
bind g "weapon 3" //sg
bind tab "weapon 4" //gl
bind ] "weapon 5" //rl
bind t "weapon 6" //lg
bind q "weapon 7" //rg
bind w "weapon 8" //pg
bind r "weapon 9" //bfg
bind f10 vstr safe
bind pgdn vstr unsafe
bind mouse2 "vstr sen3; vstr zoomtoggle"
bind j messagemode //public chat
bind enter messagemode2 //team chat
bind mouse3 "+scores;+wstats"
bind shift "say_team ^5&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Go to Quad^5&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind mouse1 +attack
bind "&#092;" +button2 //use item

bind [ "say_team ^0<x>^3I&#39;m guarding here^0<x>"
bind b "say_team ^0<x>^3Frozen enemy here^0<x>"
bind y "say_team ^2<x>^3Affirmative^2<x>"
bind h "say_team ^4&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Go to Mega^4&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind n "say_team ^0&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Guard here^0&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind k "say_team ^3&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Go to YA^3&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind z "say_team ^1&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Go to RA^1&#092;&#092;&#092;"

bind 1 "say ^1:^7)"
bind 2 "say ^1T^7hanks"
bind 3 "say ^1N^7ice one"
bind 4 "say ^1A^7ffirmative"
bind 5 "say ^1n^7o"
bind 6 "say ^1g^7g"
bind 7 "say ^16^7th ^1S^7ense ^1w^7ww.akwebfx.com/6th"
bind 8 "exec wcpractice.cfg"
bind f8 "say_team ^1&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Wait for my command to attack the room^1&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind f11 "say_team ^2&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Attack now^2&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind f5 "say_team ^2<x>^3Item Available^2<x>"
bind capslock "say_team ^2&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Come here NOW^2&#092;&#092;&#092;"
bind f2 "say_team ^0<x>^3About to finish the last man^0<x>"
bind v "drop quad damage;drop battle suit;drop regeneration;drop speed;say_team ^0<x>^3Loose powerup here^0<x>"
//bind shift "say_team ^2&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Give me space to dodge or retreat^2&#092;&#092;&#092;"
//bind ctrl "say_team ^2&#092;&#092;&#092;^3Follow me close, I won&#39;t retreat^2&#092;&#092;&#092;"
//extended commands
bind - "screenshotjpeg"
bind = "cg_drawcrosshair 0;cg_drawstatus 0;cg_drawTimer 0;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;screenshotjpeg;wait;cg_ drawcrosshair 4;cg_drawstatus 1;cg_drawtimer 1"
bind p "toggle cg_thirdperson"
bind pgup "toggle cg_lagometer"
bind "f9" vstr obser1

bind kp_enter "kill;follow"
bind 9 "vote yes;say vote for it"
bind 0 "vote no;say don&#39;t vote for it"
bind m "callvote nextmap"
bind f12 "quit"

07-11-2003, 02:29 PM
Cool&#33; Thanks. It didn&#39;t occur to me that you could put colors into the messages. :thumbs:

07-11-2003, 05:21 PM
you didnt sirc? do this. press t for chat then type ^1 and then type a messgae. it will be in red. NOW YOU l33T&#33;