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10-17-2002, 02:00 AM

The novel opens with a visit to the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Center. What does the motto "Community, Identity, Stability" mean for all people in this society? Consider chapters 1 and 2. How and why is the past, particularly parenting, demeaned? For task one your response should be no less then 300 words.

i hate english 12.

Gun Element
10-17-2002, 02:06 AM

10-17-2002, 02:07 AM
This is the easiest question......

hahah... im gonna have a fun night. :roll:

10-17-2002, 02:13 AM
Holy shit i didnt understand a word you said...I dont wanna go to high school :(...The one I'm going to is a Tech school. The only reason I'm going their is to learn more about Computers and eventually have a job repairing/building custom PCz and shiznit...But the only bad thing is everyone who goes their are punks and theirz like a gang fight everyday :(

10-17-2002, 02:41 AM
All I got to say is I am so glad that I am not in school anymore.

Gun Element
10-17-2002, 02:46 AM
[quote:68e6e25df5="WHOCARES"]All I got to say is I am so glad that I am not in school anymore.[/quote:68e6e25df5]

School is the place of LOVE!!!!!! :oops: ummm Ill just go in the back and uhh shoot myself.

10-17-2002, 02:50 AM
its allright.. im half done..

but dannng... so boring.

has anyone here read the book "Brave New World?"

Gun Element
10-17-2002, 02:51 AM
no. :D

10-17-2002, 04:40 AM
Ra/en, you talking all high tech there, you should be an english engineer or something lol

english sucks, the class, not the language :mrgreen:

10-17-2002, 04:53 AM
thank god! im done now...


10-17-2002, 04:56 AM
Post your answer! I don't believe you! :D

10-17-2002, 04:59 AM
here it is.... i half assed it though.... maaan.

Task One

The World state’s motto of “Community, Identity, Stability” is an appropriate summary of what the society is like, but also a testament to what they design the society to be like. The concept of everyone having an identity in their community and that leading to stability is shown, as well as how it is achieved. The World state controls everything, and thus the lifestyles come to be.

The community of the people living under the World State is based upon the distinction of castes. There are five caste sections, the Alphas, the Betas, the Gammas, the Deltas and the Epsilons. As well there are a few higher ranked such as the Director of hatcheries and conditioning and the World controller. The world controller is “one of the ten world controllers”. They are highest in the community. Then the DHC, who heads a major part of the society itself, the hatchery. Then, the Alphas, the thinkers, from Betas, to Gammas, Deltas and finally Epsilons, the workers. These classes are predestined to be this way and therefore the “community” really is a matter of where you happen to be placed. “The predestinators send in their figures to the Fertilizers.”, “And the bottles come in there to be predestined to detail”. As a result, they are placed before they are even conceived.

The identity of the communities is something that they are proud of and they do not question it. For example, Mr. Foster talks about the hatchery’s competition on ovary yield with other hatcheries. “Still, we mean to beat them if we can”. He and the other members take a great deal of pride into their work. This pride and identity is instilled before birth. For example, Bokanovsky’s process allows them to create up to 96 of the same humans from one ovary. “Alphas and Betas remained until definitely bottled; while the Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons were brought out again.” The worker and lower social classes are made this way to increase unity. “You really know where you are. For the first time in history” As well, the intelligence of the classes is chosen when they are not yet “decanted”. The amount of oxygen is altered according to class. “The lower the caste, the shorter the oxygen”. The Epsilons are only given minimal oxygen because “In Epsilons,… we don’t need human intelligence”. They are only workers and are thus better suited to be more like drones. Even if they tried to change, they could not due to their lack of intelligence. In the same way, the identity in the mind is pre-determined before maturation. Hypnopaedia is given to them. We witness a speaker saying this to some Beta children as they sleep. “All wear green,….and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don’t want to play with Delta children” “I’m so glad I’m a Beta.” It goes through the other castes as well telling them why they would not want to associate with them. They will grow up to believe this and be proud to be a beta and not associate with other castes. Their identity is sealed, and they are proud of it.

This society that the World state has created is held stable by the processes that they take to create and raise the people. The community and identity that they have. For example, they instill upon some children the hate for books and flowers. This is really because “we condition the masses to hate the country” “but simultaneously, we condition them to love all country sports. At the same time, we see to it that all country sports shall entail the use of elaborate apparatus. So that they consume manufactured articles as well as transport.” They have ensured that the demand for manufactured goods will be high and thus the industry for it will remain stable. Also, the social pre-determination (the oxygen treatment and the hypnopaeida” is a way that they guarantee that the communities will remain the same. The people believe in their identity and this leads to society moving smoothly. Furthermore, Bokanovisky’s process is a “major instrument of social stability”. “Ninety six identical twins working ninety six identical machines”. This seems to suggest that the people working these machines will consider themselves in place because everyone around them is the same as them. This will prevent them from thinking of other things. Finally, the DHC states the fundamental basis of stability here. “Till at last the child’s mind Is these suggestions, and the sum of these suggestions is the child’s mind…all his life long. The mind that judges and desires and decides made up of these suggestions. But all these suggestions are OUR suggestions!.” In short, they have the power to control the society, what people do, consume and think. Stability is ensured.

The community, identity and stability and everything that goes along with it has demeaned the things of the past. Especially parenting. In this society, people are no longer created by the sexual actions of a man and a woman. They are created in a hatchery. In fact the women are often created sterile thus being “freemartins” or end up taking suppressants to avoid pregnancy. Because “fertility is merely a nuscience.” As a result, the first step of parenting has been avoided. And the children are kept in the hatchery instead of being brought up by a father and a mother. As a result, there really isn’t any traditional parenting. Parenting and people being viviparous is under the classification of “smut”. Speaking about them even causes the students to blush. Apparently it is a subject that could be akin to something that we just do not talk about in our society. Almost as if the thought of it is not acceptable. Parenting after all, would go against the concept of community, identity and stability. A parented world is unstable. These are “unpleasant facts, but then, most historical facts are unpleasant”; as the DHC would so put it. Essentially history is not repeated anymore because it does not follow with the ways of the new society.

10-17-2002, 05:15 AM
!LOL, Read the McDonaldization of Society, that will give you an idea of common thread. ;) However good answer you gave!

*Edit* Not America, but Society. ;)

10-17-2002, 05:16 AM
LOL! I actually read that whole damn thing. :D

Very nice! I'd give you an "A". But then I'm not your teacher. I've found that different teachers can give you very different grades for the same thing. That kinda sucks. Each teacher has their own preconception of what they expect you to say, and for the less open minded ones, if you don't interpret the book the same as they do then you have totally missed the point in their eyes. Unfortunately it is often the case that those who teach are not as intelligent as the students they are teaching. :roll:

Good work Raven. Heh, the quotes were a nice touch. It shows that you read the book, and as a bonus it greatly adds to the word count. :wink:

10-17-2002, 05:29 AM
A+ for bullshooting so good... 8)

10-17-2002, 05:43 AM
wow, that a lot of typing. You should have it pretty close to being memorized, if you typed it and had to write it too!

Wait, if you typed it the first time, you probably just copied and pasted it. Duhh mee blonde moment :roll:

10-17-2002, 06:41 AM
lol thanks guys... it was all bullshitting.

i think by re-reading it i can see some repetitive areas.... ill have to change them tomorrow.

anyways... this thread is pretty useless hahah :P

10-17-2002, 06:47 AM
but it could live on forever like the lounge and blabla

10-17-2002, 06:50 AM
heh.. mabye it will.

then ill be in post secondary education and ill be looking back at the retarded work i did.


this thread will not die... ill bump it in a year or something.. and youll all be horrified by its decaying flesh....


10-17-2002, 06:51 AM
hey grim! you past me in post counts!

go grimmy! keep up this pace and nobody can stop you! :P

10-17-2002, 06:53 AM
:twisted: hehe, I wish that we had the stats back, then I could see how many posts I made for the week. I doubled what I had before :mrgreen: and at this rate, OMG who knows around x-mas time heheh

maybe I will win a prize or something :roll:

10-17-2002, 06:54 AM
ill give you a pound of buckshot up the arse! :P

or would you like to be flogged?

10-17-2002, 07:20 AM
Heh, I own both of you! LOL! :D

10-17-2002, 07:41 AM
Not for long, just give me a few days/weeks :mrgreen:

I am sure I can find something to spam about hehe :twisted:

10-17-2002, 07:41 AM
[quote:da0441c876="Ra/en"]ill give you a pound of buckshot up the arse! :P

or would you like to be flogged?[/quote:da0441c876]

You have to catch me first hehe

10-17-2002, 03:05 PM
meh.. too lazy :P

10-17-2002, 05:22 PM
HA, that is what I thought, but if you want to catch me, I will be in the chair, becuase I am too lazy to move lol

10-28-2002, 06:54 AM
yay.. here is a beauty i cooked up tonight!

what fun. :evil: :mad:

In a society that demands perfection, where perfection is not achieved, but given and instilled, one who is different will have a hard time living well. Bernard Marx does not live up to these expectations for his morals, ideas and physical appearance contrast that of his peers. For example, his stature is “hardly better then the average gamma”. The rest of his class of Alpha-pluses stand higher then he ever will. As a result, he has had a harder time getting women to like him and people to respect him. Specifically when they joke about him “having too much alcohol in his birth surrogate.” “He’s so ugly!” remarks Fanny on his appearance. Also, “smallness was so horribly and typically low-caste”. These physical traits have led him to become quite self-conscious because he is not looked upon as an equal in their eyes. Furthermore, that is combined with his work as a psychologist. Under that job it is likely that he has been exposed to people with different ideas about life. We witness this when there is a little boy who is reluctant to join erotic play is taken to the psychology section. “I’m taking him to the assistant superintendent of Psychology.” Here he would not only see how brainwashed the society is but also possibly be exposed to emotions. Which is not a part of the normal lifestyle. And with these different ideas as well as his own shortcomings it gives him a wish to live life in a different way. We see this through his actions. He wants his life to have substance and emotion. “Alone with you Lenina”. Talk to her on the date and express more then simple cliques and pure sexual lust. “I want to look at the sea in peace,” just sit down and think. Assess your life. This ties in with his reluctance to take soma. He would rather experience life unclouded by drugs. “Soma-less and with nothing but his inward resources to rely on” Their society does not have any of that. There are always distractions. Also, his sexual lust is curbed by the lacking esteem. When Lenina begins talking to him about her wish to “have me” in the public place he blushes and figures that they “ought to talk elseware”. He does not agree with this outlook, considering the people who think like this as “idiots!, swines”! In short, Bernard is a very different and confused man whose life is not unlike somebody who is different in our society.

However, as different and unlike Bernard is from his peers, inwardly, he still craves the same thing that any human being does. He has the desire to fit in. Even if he does not realize this. At the beginning we see him pretend at a singery “I hear him! He’s coming!. Although it was not true” As to appear normal. This is also seen after he returns from the savage reservation with John. The Savage brings him fame and acceptance after he ousts the DHC. He can now do everything that he previously was exempt from. “Bernard now found himself, for the first time in his life, treated not merely normally, but as a person of outstanding importance.” He can have any girl he wants, people are nice to him and he attends “evening parties” with the most important of people. With this new importance comes new arrogance as he blows off his good friend Hemholtz. “Never, he told himself, never would he speak to Helmholtz again.” With this new change of status it is seen how easily he gives up what he once strove for simply because it is no longer the only way. And this is the problem, because he is still the same person. And unknown to him, the world is against him, with people saying, “that man will come to a bad end”. And Mustapha Mond himself is planning to do something against him. This may all come apart for him in the end.

Bernard is closer to human then any other character in the story. And this is precisely what Huxley needed to express his ideas as well as help us truly understand the differences of this society to our own. A catalyst is something that is present in the reaction between two substances but is not used up during it. These two different ways of life or “substances” is the savage reservation and Bernard’s original society. He goes through the two parts but emerges apart from them still at the end. Huxley needed this to get us to fully see these two contrast each other from an outside perspective. A human one. Also, the way that Bernard acts through the story can give us a possible theme. For example, a possible theme: Often in society, people who are different are looked down upon. This can result in the desire to break free and live where values are different. However, they may still take the chance to fit in if given it. This can end up deceiving them as it is often fake acceptance. Bernard lives out this theme. Furthermore, through Bernard we begin to understand the faults of the world that he lives in. He craves what we view as normal in our society. Every time he responds to someone in the story, it shows us the absurdity of the situation. Almost as if our values are portrayed in the character of Marx, and it is not just two societies clashing, but three.

As shown before, Bernard is a victim of the perfect society. He does not fit in, he is small and “ugly” in stature, has a low self-esteem and harbors ideas that are not acceptable or even close to normal here. These problems in his life could have been brought upon by the physical defect, however, it seems also to be his reluctance to accept it and keep his chin up. For example, many of the problems could have been fogged out had he taken soma more often, gone out, spent less time alone and just appeared more confident. We see lack of confidence when he avoids speaking to a woman at the singary. He wishes he had, but he just cannot because of a fear of rejection. At the end, “there was an awkward silence” and Bernard blushes. We also see his lack of self-esteem when he gets a boost from being threatened by the DHC. Almost as if being threatened labels him as an issue and puts him in the spotlight. He likes the spotlight, for he is a nobody otherwise. Huxley needed a character like Bernard because somebody who was content with their life like Fanny would not have questioned the ways of the society. Then Huxley could not have made as much of a statement on where our own society is going as he did because there would be no contrast or revelation. With Bernard he can then make an insight upon an individuals reactions to being different. He could have very well constructed Bernard with these goals in mind.

10-28-2002, 07:05 AM
do I really want to read all that?


10-28-2002, 07:08 AM
hmmm....you must hate that class.

10-28-2002, 07:11 AM
haha.. i dono.. its kinda boring i guess.

but what ya gonna do. :P

Mr Clean
10-28-2002, 09:48 PM
I know what you can do....post your damn assignments in this thread so that we ALL have to suffer through your class.... :D

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-28-2002, 09:53 PM