View Full Version : Basic mapping on Serious Sam

08-15-2003, 05:08 AM
Editmode explore. If you wanna fly around your map while editting(to get to a certain place), press "Esc" to toggle it...

Making rooms, and other stuff. If you wanna make a room, theres a thing up where theres a couple boxes, with conus primative creation(Create COnus Primative), you can click it, or press enter, also use others beside that, you can use Terrian fuction to load up a tga, or pcx file and make custom terrian, or you can click and hold Left click on the terrian you wanna raise/lower and move your mouse up(RAISE)/down(LOWER), to put the primatizes in the level, just right click, and select add primatize, or join sectors(Join sectors make diffrent worlds), also with the option of the Room selection makes you able to make a room...

Drag n' Drop feature. Drag n' Drop, in the menu where you start out at, it should have basic entities, just drag what ever entity, and drop it where you want it, if you miss placed it, you can move it using X, Y, Z, to move it, to do it, press "q", byside, if you dont like the wall, just goto texture, and select what level you like to select walls, floors, decor walls(Like add a Sphinx on the wall making it transparent), or even roofs, drag n drop it to which wall, floor, decor wall, or roof to change it...

Intro to Polygon mode. Ive said about 2 modes you can use, which is Entity mode, which allows you to edit, or place entities, and CSG mode, allows you to make primatives, now Im going to explain some stuff on Polygon mode, just watch out, you may screw up, pressing e to goto entity mode, and pressing p to goto polygon mode, with polygons is advanced feature in a way, just use to last option for this time in polygon mode using Q option, to allow you to edit the look facing part 1...

Sector mode basic. Using Sector mode, press s to got it, sector mode is kinda an advanced feature, you can edit a room with polygon mode, say like you wanna make a pool of water, just make a underground, or above ground pool, and go into it, and click the ground, or walls in sector mode, press q if it aint already toggled, and select the option named content, and select water, then you have a pool, maybe you want lava, just select lava, or if you got SE, select lava 10, or you can do cold water which does 1 damage per second, or choose whatever you want...

Vector mode. The next feature is Vector feature, by pressing the key ".", you will go into it, I have no history of learning what it does, so I dont know anything bout the vector mode, I guess it can help you locate how many sides is on a placed sector...

ModelHolder2 Help. Model holder 2 help, cant find a model eh, Just goto your game dir, and find file SE1_00.gro, open it as(but dont save it like my screw up) a zip, ace, rar, or whatever, then find anyfiles with .mdl at the end with serious modler icon on it, which there should be a sort button anyways, and you like the name, then you copy it to a certain DIR, or your game DIR, and try to find it, you can look for headman.mdl, and a .tex one(You already have it deep into your gtame dir\hel[\editor..., anyways that should help ya, then goto open the model you want by selecting down the menu, and click model, if a tex file is needed, open the file, and get a tex file that sounds good to you...

Viewing modes of editting. Viewing keys, if you get tired of those 3 2d windows, these keys I represent should be pressed by the numpad only, press 2 to make it 2d with actual graphics in there, or press 1 to make the 3d window look how the level should turn out to be, I forgot what 3-4 does, so you have to check it out, 5-9 makes it in 1 screen, I think 5 makes it 3d, but with a grid like thing, and no textures, as well with I think 7 makes it 3d with the grids, and with the good view too, I also think that 8 makes all the light scales visable, I know 9 makes it a one screen, but all visible(including other entities you cant see during gameplay), and 6 makes the level look like how it will turn out to be if you play it...

To play the level. To play the level, up into where theres alotta icons up there, it should be one with earth on it(its tiny), click it, and then theres a box with the label name, type the name of the map you want it to be there, you can use colored codes too, then theres alotta lil boxes with on the right of the blank between them, you have S, C, D, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, if you want it to be a Single player, chech s, if you want it to be a multiplayer coop, check c, and if you want it to be a Scorematch, and Deathmatch, check d, on the left, theres some lettered ones, check all them if you want it on all the diffaculties, check only the lettered ones there, E is the easiet, S is the hardest...

Test the levelint the editor. If you wanna test the level, press Ctrl t, or press t to play it in the windowed mode in he screen your 3d view is in...

Santa like Yodeller. This is cool, make a small room, maybe, 3x3x2, and put the stuff you want a santa to randomly drop(Works good on weapons), and have a santa in there, and setup a enemy spawner to constantly wait a certain time, and spanw one, wait that time, spawn another, constantly, its pretty nice, just make sure the room is about 30X,Y,Z away from the closest room...

To move items in the editor. By pressing q, it brings a palette up that displays certain info of the diff csg modes, which you can use to raise a entity, incase it keeps falling through ground...

Make a item stay in the air. Select the item, and select floating

*Something I actually recommend*. I personally recommend MEH's Item by Item tutorial wich can be dled at Seriously! (http://www.seriouszone.com)

08-15-2003, 03:17 PM
Thanks, I'm sure it will help someone. :thumbs:

08-15-2003, 06:34 PM

08-19-2003, 12:53 AM
Well yeah, I got a lil more for SE maps of mine, Im making a new level for serious sam SE now, a couple too, I aint mapping for FE anymore, DELETED IT!!(Finally)...
But I rebought SE, so now I can map, and play it again, Ill prob be online next month to year still, which sucks...
Im making a Ratz, read in the the newest topic I made, if I hadnt made it by now, then wait awhile: Back editting on SE...

03-25-2004, 07:31 AM
Ill add more later...
Alot more ;)

03-25-2004, 07:33 AM
Good info... add more soon :thumbs:

03-25-2004, 07:36 AM
Might have one up in 5 mins
I was going to try making a cave of my own, I wanna make a cave like Morrowind, thatd be cool...

03-25-2004, 07:37 AM
yes. i like morrowing. that would be cool

03-25-2004, 07:46 AM
Yeah, I killed Almalexia in Sotha Sils Clockwork city, that was painful, aside having the need of electric resistance, cause I neearly died there, and the dome that you couldnt see anything took a hours time to figure it out...

Since I game alot, I spend my time I could use to work on tutorials, and stuff...
I hope this basics to mapping stuff I typed will work, although I made lots of mistakes in it...