View Full Version : Something for you to try...

08-19-2003, 11:53 PM
I had heard this was patched over, but I wasn't playing by then, so I really don't know.

If you want to try our old patented 'Via Caeli Roof Hopping', give this a go.

WARNING - WARNING - You CAN die from this, so be warned. I ain't friggin responsible if you get yourself killed!

Yes, it's the infamous Roof Walking. You may have heard legends or stories of strange beings waving at people from the rooftops. Well, this is how we did it.

Go into the shop over by the old forge in Camelot, the shop where you can buy supplies for forging.
Go into the first little room, the doorway from the actual forge. Go up the stairs there.
Cross that room, and go up the next flight of stairs.
Turn around, you will see a barrel in the corner of the room.
Jump up on that barrel. This WILL take some practice! You almost default to jumping over the barrel and landing between it and the wall which is a little tricky to jump back out of, but it is doable.
Once you mange to jump ONTO the barrel, just jump straight up again.
*IF* this hasn't been patched, you will jump about 3/4 of the way through the roof, which the game interprets as being far enough and automagically lifts you the rest of the way up.
Congrats! You are now on the roof!

You can still target people and wave to them and talk to them and everything.
Best route from here - go up and over the roof, down the far side and walk across to next roof. From here, you can carefully drop down (you will take some fall damage) to a narrow wall, and if you follow this, you will be on top of the wall that surrounds the courtyard on the far side of the forge-supply building.
You can also jump across to the next building, follow the rooftops around. There is a jump to another wall. This is a VERY easy place to die, because you have to jump carefully to clear a narrow drop that you cannot see from where you are. If you land on that wall, and walk across, you will be on the wall that surrounds the fountain that is at the bottom of the ramp coming down from the Round Table building (where the vaults are). People will almost always see you when they are coming down that ramp going from thier vault back out to hunt. It's great for freaking people out.

For those with really sick senses of humour, falling off a roof will kill you, and is always great for laughs as people stop and ask you just how the hell you got killed in town. :P

You will be amazed at how many rooftops are connected. You can cover about 1/4 of the town from that building.
There is another place where you can do it too, but I ain't tellin ya that one. :shifty:


Mr Clean
08-20-2003, 03:30 PM
:lol: That explains the grave I saw there once.... :rofl: