View Full Version : how to get rid of mods...?

08-22-2003, 04:02 AM
so easy to pick them up, this was on one server, now remains every game....

also how do you fix file mismatches? delete the file it is complaining about?


i gotta say, this is quite a different world from sam, everything smooth,
fast downloads of everything, awesome gameplay, i am impressed.

08-22-2003, 03:30 PM
if you go to your Cache folder in the UT2003 directory you'll see a whole bunch of completely indecipherable files....AND file called cache.ini. Cache.ini is the key to this mystery, in there it tells you what all the garbage means. Find the one that is causing a mismatch or the one you don't want anymore and simply delete it. You can also find the files of maps that you have downloaded, change their name to what it says in the ini file and throw them in your maps folder (same thing with textures and stuff too). Better yet, however, is a little app called CacheRaper. All you do with that is run it, point it to your cache directory and it automatically selected the map and associated textures and throws it al in the correct folder. Very sweet little prog

08-22-2003, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Yellow[GummiBear]@Aug 22 2003, 11:30 AM
if you go to your Cache folder in the UT2003 directory you'll see a whole bunch of completely indecipherable files....AND file called cache.ini. Cache.ini is the key to this mystery, in there it tells you what all the garbage means. Find the one that is causing a mismatch or the one you don't want anymore and simply delete it. You can also find the files of maps that you have downloaded, change their name to what it says in the ini file and throw them in your maps folder (same thing with textures and stuff too). Better yet, however, is a little app called CacheRaper. All you do with that is run it, point it to your cache directory and it automatically selected the map and associated textures and throws it al in the correct folder. Very sweet little prog
And the link to that little program is?????

I'd like to add it to GM's UT2k3 download list :hmmm:

08-22-2003, 03:42 PM
I"m not positive if this is the most recent version or not but it should work... I've had it for so long I don't remember where I originally go it

UTCacheRaper (http://churchoffrag.org/files/UTCacheRaper.zip)

08-22-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Yellow[GummiBear]@Aug 22 2003, 11:42 AM
I"m not positive if this is the most recent version or not but it should work... I've had it for so long I don't remember where I originally go it

UTCacheRaper (http://churchoffrag.org/files/UTCacheRaper.zip)
Here's the definition since there is no readme file :blink:
The UT Cache Extractor is a small utility program which will extract downloaded items from your Unreal Tournament or UT2003 cache. When you play on servers and do not have certain maps or supporting files, UT/UT2003 will automatically download them for you. The cache is a fixed size, and is cleared after 30 days by default. This utility will allow you move items from the temporary cache into the appropriate UT/UT2003 folder so you will never have to download it again!

No installation is necessary. Simply copy the contents of this zip file to the system folder in your UT/UT2003 directory. The application will auto configure itself for you. If you attempt to run the UT Cache Extractor from another directory, it will not be able to find the cache. If you have both UT and UT2003 (like I do), simply place a copy in both system folders.

Hopefully, this program will be pretty self explanatory. There are three action buttons, Refresh, Extract and Validate. Refresh will make sure the list is up-to-date. You can extract items by highlighting and clicking the Extract button. Multiple selections can be made by holding down the ctrl key as you click, or by using the shift key to select a range. If cache entries are made more than a few minutes apart, a dashed line will be shown. This should help identify which items were downloaded together, and are associated with a given Map.

This utility should also function with the UT2003 Demo, although it may not find it correctly if run outside the UT2003 demo system folder. You can select the correct folder manually.


08-22-2003, 06:55 PM
thanks yellow, so i take it that all of this stuff goes into a temprorary cache, and is eventually deleted
according to some schedule? pretty cool. that popup box went away btw as did the mismatch problems....

08-22-2003, 07:11 PM
yep pretty much so Jim... anything you dl while you're playing goes to that cache folder and when 2k3 wants to use it again it looks there after not finding it in the usual folders (texture, map,etc)

CacheRaper is one great tool!!

08-23-2003, 11:37 AM
Thanks for the tips and explaination Yellow & Pure :thumbs: