View Full Version : The Sims Online

12-18-2002, 07:39 PM
What do you think this will do to the future of online gaming? Read the GameMecca article and post your feelings:


12-18-2002, 09:26 PM
Yeah I think your right some people really indulge themselfs in a life they create on-line. Almost like a twisted sci-fi horror flick or something. Its kinda creepy to me. :unsure:

Dark Reign
12-18-2002, 11:07 PM
Very intresting article.....Nice work Sal. :)

Mr Clean
12-19-2002, 09:40 PM
I don't see this as working, for one very important reason - society has made a major change the last 5-6 years in how they value everything (products and services). Bottom line is we as consumers are constantly looking for a bargain (think of all the web companies designed to do just that, and stores like Cosco and Sam's, etc). People love to download ripped music even though it is basically illegal, and do so because it costs them nothing.

Many tech companies have made a big error in assuming the threshold of what people will pay for new services and enhanced products. To wit: cell phones with iternet access are way below expected sales. Sales of many technology items are flat (and it's not just because of the economy).

Someone will try to start their own online site for this game, and will run it for free, and soon others will follow. Just like the music industry, the gaming industry will find itself with too many websites to sue, and will eventually have to give up and focus on better security to eliminate the cracking of codes.

It's a neat idea, but it's no different than any other program: people with crack it for fun or for exploitation, but they will crack it. And soon we'll see the KAZAA of Sims coming to a search engine near you.....