View Full Version : These forums...and good books

04-12-2004, 01:24 AM
After looking over tens of threads in this forum I kinda noticed at these forums that you guys dont talk about anything else other than UT---it kinda adds a new life when people start about talking about other things and giving opinions of various stuff they believe in...im part of a bunch of forums and ive noticed that you find out alot more about people in what they post rather than how they play. Specifically I was part of a clan a number of years back (4?) for a game called Red Alert, to make a long story short I still visit there forums everyday after a number of years and we have 0 common interest in any of the games we play, but yet its entertaining to see random useless news and pictures..as well as bickering at each other once in a while for whatever reason; in a sense its become a community more than a clan and I just feel that community aspect of ds is lacking..im not trying to criticize, in fact I think its awesome that people are so passionate about a game to include it in every post they make. Anyways I find it hard to stay motivated to come to these forums day after day when the only thing there is to see is some screenshot of some random game, a new update in ut2004, and a spam thread that seemingly will never end. It adds a whole new dimension to a clan when theres topics from the passion of christ to why the sky is blue (literally...ive seen huge threads on both with endless debates lol) and you find out alot more about each other as well as random and (alot of the time) useless things. I just thought I would post a suggestion that in my opinion will make DS last far beyond ut2004 in a way other than ladder matches and practices. I realize that these forums are far more controlled (for ex. you cant say ****, ****, or **** without having more little star things then on a cloudy night and its a pain to upload images), but I just think that random useful (or less) posts would liven this place up a little because to be frank with you im getting bored with the bickering and fighting that ut manages to cause. In my opinion I find it far more interesting and useful to state your beliefs and make a few jokes than to hit a couple headshots in a row.

And like the title says I thought id try to start something off...and I thought (something I usually dont do without taking a weeks vacation afterwards) that maybe something about books would tell a little about you. Anyways I dont know if any of you are book readers (and if your not thats cool too...somethign else that we know about you know), but here are some suggestions for some that I read recently and liked.

DaVinci Code-Dan Brown
Hunt for Red October-Tom Clancy

ill tell a lil more about the two if anyone is intersted..im going to watch tv now lol.

anyways if you read this whole thing and felt like it was rambling nonesense..i apologize. Thats just my 2 cents...spend it how you please.

04-12-2004, 01:32 AM
I just got done reading the "Zombie Survival Guide"... :oooo:

I think that Tom Clancy is going the way of the hack really...but in all honesty I could never make it through any of his books. The last real book I read was "Choke" by Chuck Pahlsruoihef..or however you spell his last name. The guy who wrote "Fight Club"...it stunk. Fight Club was so cool and Choke was just lame.

I hear the DaVinci code is super awesome tho, and I have been meaning to read it.
Time is tough tho with an 8 month old, work, softball, UT and.....uh...Final Fantasy XI.. :angel: Plus I plan on going back to school soon.

I think you have a good point tho. Any post like this should be in Ride the Spiral.
No reason why we can't just rap about **** in here.

04-12-2004, 03:12 AM
yeh..tom clancy has kind of drifted away from in my opinion a true book. It seems that a good majority of the books today are well over 800 pages, and often times it seems like the majority of it is useless and boring dialogue and by the late 800 pages it seems that the author has himself gotten bored and the endings of some books are lacking as a result. I mentioned the book by tom clancy that I did because I assume just from the fact that you play UT, your into action packed things, and this book is full of that. Not to mention it was tom clancys first book (pretty sure) and in my opinion as well as many others his best. Its not nearly as long as some others, which is why i didnt say others of his like rainbow six (too long). Anyways yeh those were just the first two that came to mind as I read them recently...ill dig through some old books and see if I can find anymore really really good action packed ones. I really highly recommend either of them to anyone even if you never read...just try one of those 2 and i promise you will begin to start. I kno what your sayin diss about being busy, but youll manage to make time for them if you start one of them lol..but yeh the da vinci code was unbelievable and hes got 3 other books which I heard were unbelievable too..but one had factual errors or something. His writing style is nice tho..he like puts you in a beyond interesting story with these fictional characters in modern time period while giving you real facts about things (except for that one book that has alot of errors or something), its almost a realistic fiction more than it is some futuristic year 2620 that can be pretty boring and hard to relate to. The DaVinci Code is pretty controversial and its talked about alot, which makes it that much more interesting. Not to mention youll be scrambling online to look at these paintings of davinci to see if this stuff is really true as well as other things..which is pretty neat in itself. As far as that one book you hated...I can honestly say I would never buy a book without looking at what other people have to say about it (www.amazon.com is by far the best place for that)...just checking out reviews and deciding from them whether you want to read it or not saves you alot of time and helps you pick out the books that YOU really only want to read..someone else may love sci fi stuff and you may hate it. So yeh...ill look tomorrow for some other must reads..

04-12-2004, 03:54 AM
i REALLY DONt read to tell you the truth. i read every once in a while though. my fav book is On The Beach. Its about nuclear fallout. the entire world is dead do to a huge nuclear war. but australia is still alive but they know they all will die soon do to the huge nuclear fallout coming there way...aka radiation. its all about how they spend there last few months of life. its vey good...but very long :thumbs:

04-12-2004, 05:47 AM
back to the friendly talk lol :wave:

04-12-2004, 06:01 AM
..but yeh so this post isnt deleted, that book was really good too, but not the type of book i would recommend. Not everyone is into the depressing kinda book..alot of people just like to read books for entertainment and not a reality check.

04-12-2004, 06:13 AM
i know sl8..anyways...yeah it is a depressing book...but i dont know it had some good exploration parts to it too. it kinda sucks how all the people die it sounded painful. but life "DIDN't" go on lol :rofl: but the way they explained it happened was very very intresting...cant really explain it now would take to long. anywho goodnight you guys play nice :thumbs:

04-12-2004, 10:31 AM
actually, we don't post much about ourselves, we tend to talk more on TS :oooo:

That's one reason you don't see many posts about our personal likes.

personally, I like non-fiction, mostly Mountaineering books like Into Thin Air.

The last real good book I read was 3000 Degrees by Sean Flynn. A basic rundown:
On December 3, 1999, the call crackled in to the men of the Worchester, Massachusetts Fire Department: a three-alarm warehouse blaze in a six-story windowless colossus of brick and mortar.Firefighters love the excitement of a "triple." But this was a different beast. Rollovers, flashovers, backdrafts, this one had it all. Once inside, they found themselves trapped in a snarling furnace of blazing orange heat as hot as a crematorium, with smoke so black and predatory they had to feel for their partners next to them. Swallowed deep in the building, with no way out, they struggled to survive an ill-fated ordeal that would push them to the very limits of loyalty and courage. What happened next - and how their lives and community were changed forever - offers an unprecedented look at these heroic men whose job it is to rush into burning buildings when everyone else just wants out.

Even if you're not a firefighter, it's a good read.

If you're loooking for a easy read: Tim Allen's, Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man is a funny book and is a nice look into his early years.

Currently waiting to be read is, Every Second Counts by Lance Armstrong, but I have no idea when I will get the chance to read it.

04-12-2004, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by SL802404@Apr 11 2004, 10:12 PM
I assume just from the fact that you play UT, your into action packed things
lol...nothing wrong with that, but the only action packed things I like are anime and movies. The closest to action packed books that I read are the murder/mystery/comedy books of Carl Haissen. Now those are funny. I can read one of those in a about a week. I do have a William Gibson book I have to read...I have to dig it out of storage first tho..lol.

Actually a lot of my reading time in the past few months has been taking up with studying for my advancement exam in the Navy. Now that that has passed, I should have more time to read.

04-12-2004, 04:30 PM
Hi Ladies,

I do my fair share of reading. Lots of Stephen King and Dean Koontz. The best series of books from King is the Gunslinger series (It has nothing whatsover to do with a western gunslinger theme). Its about 7 books with the final book coming out soon ...I hope.

Another series of books I read were the Vampire series by Brian Lumley... An English writer (ya know 'em Twitch ??).

Sometimes those kind of books get too fake for me and I have to turn to your basic murder mystery stuff. I'm currently reading Michael Connelly. He's got a reoccuring character Harry Bosch that is a normal guy... cop, can't stay married, dedicated to his work etc. A very easy read.

Also just finished the Bourne Identity series by Robert Ludlum. 3 books. The first one was a movie you might remember seeing (called the bourne identity). Seeing the movie after reading the book is always a downer for me. Books are always better.

I tend to like most of Tom Clancy's stuff but I havent read his last 2.

Theres more, but this should do for now :thumbs:

04-12-2004, 05:01 PM
Y'all know that if us Tennessee boys could read and write we'd have us a real job.
I have my daughter type all my posts and replies for me.

Ok......I can read and write....just don't check my spelling too close.

Tom Clancy....some from his OP Center series and Power Play series
pretty good reading. I enjoy having to keep up with his plots.
The Hobbit and the Trilogy that followed, of course this was back in the 70's so I can enjoy the movie without being too critical of it not following the book exactly.

I love James Clavell, his book Whirlwind is a great insight into the minds of the Iranians right after the fall of the Shah of Iran and when Ayatollah Khomenie (sp?) took over. That book, in my opinion, was better than Shogun, Tai Pan and Noble house put together. I learned so much about the mindset of the Middle Eastern area that it makes it easy to understand their feelings towards us now.

Now if I just want to read to relax I will pick up a good western. Right now I just got through reading a book by Ralph Compton that centered around the events leading up to Custers last battle at Little Big Horn. I have read all of Louis Lamour's books that he had published himself. ( I wish his daughter would quit digging through his old boxes) There was a reason why he didn't have them published.
I used to read Isaac Asimov and several other Science Fiction Authors but not within the last 15 or so years. Same with fantasy books, Terry Brooks and others.
Ever since I started my own Surveying company I don't have much time to read.
Maybe if I played less UT2004? ROFL>......was able to read 2 books while I went camping these last 3 days....No internet connection at that campground. Thank God.

04-12-2004, 05:07 PM
You know damn well you get all your books on cassette, and you daughter takes transcription for you....you fibber.

04-12-2004, 08:50 PM
actually, we don't post much about ourselves, we tend to talk more on TS 

That's one reason you don't see many posts about our personal likes.

yeh, but usually you only go on ts because your playing ut..and the few times ive ventured on ts ive noticed that ut is the only thing being discussed. Not to mention not everyone can make it to these ts "talks" while forums you can check when ever you have time. It was just a suggestion since i noticed I havent actually had a conversation one way or another with like half the people in this clan...

anyways yeh into thin air is good but im gonna look up some of these other ones on amazon.com..they sound pretty nice.

04-12-2004, 09:22 PM

04-12-2004, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by LaSH@Apr 12 2004, 05:22 PM
He only saw the movies, don't let him fool ya :oooo:

04-12-2004, 10:14 PM

04-12-2004, 10:27 PM
H.P. Lovecraft !!!

Horror novelist, handsome! i like his stories! He created an entire universe and all his stories are part of that new world, different places and moments. Call of Cthulhu is from this guy.

04-12-2004, 11:13 PM
Heres some more of my favorts. :thumbs:

04-12-2004, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by noldhor@Apr 12 2004, 05:27 PM
H.P. Lovecraft !!!

Horror novelist, handsome! i like his stories! He created an entire universe and all his stories are part of that new world, different places and moments. Call of Cthulhu is from this guy.
Quite a few movies based 'loosely' on his novels also...
ReAnimator, From Beyond...the one about the Fish People, to name a few (Bagon?)...a ton of horror movies like to credit HP Lovecraft in some way or another.

04-13-2004, 05:49 PM
My Fav Book is Robinson Crusoe :wootrock:

04-13-2004, 06:07 PM
Isacc Asimov.... robot and foundation series....
and his non-fiction from the big bang to black holes

Carl Sagan... cosmos (books and tv series)

Stephen Hawkins.. a brief history of time

any "bathroom reader book" (scientific and historic vulgarisation)

Larousse.... chronicles of the century.... and chronicles of humanity

Nancy Drew and the tale of the big tail :shifty: :oooo:

there are many others :thumbs:

04-14-2004, 01:46 PM
Not in DS but the topic kinda lured me down here :P :wave:

I read mostly Fantasy/Sci-Fi!

Fantasy for entertainment! Currently reading "destiny" by Elizabeth Haydon also reading Moorcock, Eddings, Tolkien, R.A. Salvatore, and lotsa others too many to mention here :)

Sci-Fi i like to read Hard Sci-Fi (plays in near future most in books is accomplishable with the technics and knowledge we allready have spiced up by a fictionary story)!

Authors : Gregory Benford ; Ben Bova ; and once again tons more :)

04-14-2004, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Nick@Apr 13 2004, 01:07 PM
Isacc Asimov.... robot and foundation series....
and his non-fiction from the big bang to black holes

Carl Sagan... cosmos (books and tv series)

Stephen Hawkins.. a brief history of time

any "bathroom reader book" (scientific and historic vulgarisation)

Larousse.... chronicles of the century.... and chronicles of humanity

Nancy Drew and the tale of the big tail :shifty: :oooo:

there are many others :thumbs:
Isn't Will Smith doing a movie on that Isaac Asimov one I Robot? Swear I saw a poster thingy at the theatre this weekend... As of late I am on a V.C. Andrews kick... Love those books and they are a quick read... Also, Harry Potter!! Love 'em! :thumbs: :angel: :lol:

04-14-2004, 08:29 PM
hey sl8, DaVinci Code is a great read! i got it last year and read it in like 4 days, couldnt put it down...ive heard that a few of Dan Browns other books were good as well, but havent had a chance to read them

Burn the Witch
04-14-2004, 09:18 PM
Hmmm....lots of fantasy for me, but character based stuff, not traditional "****! orcs and goblins!" fantasy.

Last read "The Ill-Made Mute" by Cecilia Dart-Thornton, in which the main character is mute, and so its a very interesting read. Also steeped in Celtic folklore.

Currently reading "The Lady of the Sorrows", the sequel to the above text.

Some fiction is always good. Terry Pratchet is fairly consistent and fairly hilarious at times....Stephen Donaldson is excellent...I recommend "The First and Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever"....but don't read them if your adverse to dark stories.

"The Hobbit" is good....Lord of the Rings is too long.

"His Dark Materials" by Philip Pullman, a bit of a sequel to Paradise Lost....I am one of about 3,000 people who got to witness the stage productions at the English National Theatre.

"Narnia"...always fun, just don't get sucked in by those religious undertones.

"Captain Corelli's Mandolin" by Louis De Berniere is an excellent WW II Novel, and "The Girl At the Lion Door" is an excellent wartime tale about life in Southern France by Sebastien Faulks.

"A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tenesse Williams. Tragic but excellent American writer in the 1930s? I believe.

"Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. Bloody amazing.

And finally, lots of Shakespeare. "Henry V" and especially "Othello".

Black Rose
04-15-2004, 06:45 AM
my favorite is John Grisham :drink:

04-16-2004, 02:20 AM
The last book I read was "Blue's Best Rainy Day", about 15 minutes ago. I don't read as much anymore for pleasure. I read sci-fi when I was a kid, but Vonnegut and Mark Twain are my favs. I still think Twain is ahead of his time. When I did D&D, we were all reading Michael Moorcock, a talented and twisted author. Try "Behold The Man" or "The Warhound and The World's Pain" for starters.