View Full Version : My Week from hell.

Die Hard
10-26-2004, 11:07 PM
My neighbours upstairs had a leak and as a result my insurance company paid me some money to replace/repair stuff because of the water damage. Anyway it was just enough to get a whole new bathroom. Or so I thought.

My brother-in-Law has been staying with me since Friday night and he and I (mostly him) have been working day and night ever since trying to do the new bathroom.

I'm having new everything from suite to walls to radiator. It is the latter that is the reason i'm typing this now. It's midnight, and i'm just eating my dinner between mouthful's (red hot mouthful's because it's been heated up in the Microwave.)

The damn radiator (it's one of those chrome towel holder come radiator things) will not stop leaking!! Anyway we've given up until morning now.

I've never worked so hard. Start at 8am and finish (on average 10pm) My feet are killing me, i've got rapid set adhesive and grout all over my hands and arms and paint everywhere else. I've not showered since Saturday either!!

Oh well theres always tomorrow to look forward to...... :bawling:

10-27-2004, 12:18 AM
Hey DH sorry to hear of your Busted pipes and stuff.....Its always frustrating when one thing after another breaks and keeps breaking. I've been in your shoes before. And I'm sure I'll be there again. I'm sure in no time you'll be laughing at the whole thing...
In the mean time have a stiff drink, play some Sam ( if you need to take it out on me with your shotty, you always do...) and the sun will come out tommorrow, DAMN i hated that movie.........

10-27-2004, 01:21 AM
and as soon as you have finished the wife will want a new kitchen:D

Hehe..I know how that goes..My wife wanted a new floor for the upstairs bathroom; by the time I was done we had it gutted out to the studs !! :bawling:
New floor=new tub=new windows=new vanity....etc.... and it all equals $$$$$$$$ :( :( :bawling:

10-27-2004, 08:04 AM
My neighbours upstairs had a leak and as a result my insurance company paid me some money to replace/repair stuff because of the water damage. Anyway it was just enough to get a whole new bathroom. Or so I thought.

My brother-in-Law has been staying with me since Friday night and he and I (mostly him) have been working day and night ever since trying to do the new bathroom.

I'm having new everything from suite to walls to radiator. It is the latter that is the reason i'm typing this now. It's midnight, and i'm just eating my dinner between mouthful's (red hot mouthful's because it's been heated up in the Microwave.)

The damn radiator (it's one of those chrome towel holder come radiator things) will not stop leaking!! Anyway we've given up until morning now.

I've never worked so hard. Start at 8am and finish (on average 10pm) My feet are killing me, i've got rapid set adhesive and grout all over my hands and arms and paint everywhere else. I've not showered since Saturday either!!

Oh well theres always tomorrow to look forward to...... :bawling:
Man, im tiling the hall, kitchen, and dining room this week, iv'e hurt my back i have been in agony all night....and im only half way...:bawling: :bawling: DH at least you have a helping hand:thumbs:

10-27-2004, 11:00 AM
It's severe that bath can't be used. Die....

" Cough, Cough " However, your Avatar is in bath. :D

10-27-2004, 09:26 PM
Yesterday my toilet exploded. :D

10-28-2004, 07:14 AM
ah, very sad.... lol.... it's ugly but all too common when you start working on something and find more broken shi underneath the surface, although it looks like you had some extremen pain there.....

Die Hard
10-28-2004, 08:02 AM
Schism, I had very similar problems with my kitchen too.

We moved into my place 3 years ago, it to dates from 1930 and had the original kitchen! We had to have an all new kitchen, replace the heating system, buy a new boiler and move it because the old one was in the middle of the wall! Yada, yada yada. Re plaster the ceiling, replace old heating pipes under concrete floors. Then we had to rewire the hole thing too. Fortunately no walls had to be knocked down.

So, apart from painting the ceiling; my bathroom is finished. It looks fantastic amdi'm really pleased with it. My Bro-in-Law has been a star. I couldn't even dream of doing what he has done.

Now I have to finish off wall papering the hallway, all those fiddly little thin parts over light switches and thermostats. Paint the skirting boards and clean the floor.

Then I have to clear up the whole place. There is dust and crap everywhere.

Hopefully by this time tomorrow it will all be done and I just might have a few beers tomorrow night while playing Poker. MUHAHAHA.

Oh well, at least I have the re-decorating of my bedroom to look forward too!

10-28-2004, 08:22 AM
Heh, I feel for you Die. We moved into a house that was built in 1929 and was a fixer-upper. But no problem, we got it at a great price and were looking forward to fixing it up. The first task was to install a dishwasher. It cost about $300 bucks.

Turned out the old counters weren't standard depth and the dishwasher would have stuck out about 8 inches. Well we couldn't have that so the old counters had to go. Which also meant replacing the sink. And the cabinets. But the doorway into the kitchen was right up even with the edge of the old counters, so we had to move the door over so the new wider counters wouldn't extend out into the doorway. Well that didn't work out because there was a major vent stack from the basement right beside the old door, so we had to move the door to the other end of the wall. Which meant ripping out the whole wall between the kitchen and dining room. Well since we were going to do that my wife decided that we had to have a serving window in the wall between the dining room and kitchen. Then she decided that we needed to extend the cabinet space and counter the entire length of the kitchen, which meant tearing out the arched opening between the kitchen and the breakfast nook. And the breakfast nook area was so dark and needed a window that looking out onto the back porch so we could see our kids playing in the backyard. That pretty much left just a short section of wall that didn't need to be torn down to the studs, so we went ahead and did that anyway.

Off course the wiring was all wrong then, we didn't have nearly enough outlets, and the old tube and nob wiring was a bitch to work with and wasn't up to code. So we re-wired to whole kitchen. In the mean time the poor old 1929 plaster ceiling couldn't stand up to all the pounding and started to come down, so we relaced that too. Oh, and new lighting. We had to have new lighting.

After we got all of this crap done we found out that the old iron pipes were so filled with lime and corrosion that they couldn't supply enough water to the dishwasher. So I ripped out all of the old iron plumping (and ended up chipping a tooth when the sawsall blade seized in a pipe about halfway through and shook me so hard that it nearly knocked me unconcious).

It all ended up with the $350 dishwasher costing about $7500 to install. And I still have a chipped tooth. :(

And then a few months later our toilet started leaking so I went to replace it and found out that the floor underneath was rotting out all the way under the old cast iron claw-foot tub.....but that's another story. :D
I would of sacked the missus..it would of been cheaper....or would it:D