View Full Version : question for cod owners

01-20-2005, 01:15 PM
i bought Call of Duty at the lan party of some guy for 20 bucks. it was fully wrapped and stickers still on the box from bestbuy. i installed the game and it gave me 2 icons on the desktop. one icon is for single and the other is multiple player. the problem i have is i am not sure what version i have and if most people are playing the expansion pack online instead of this, on the box it says best of 2003 so i take it is the old version. who here has the expansion pack and is it worth getting that? i think this game is pretty good and as good as mohpa for such an older game. i will pick up the expansion if there are people actually playing it.

(Villains)****Death Sentence****
01-25-2005, 11:06 AM
lot of ppl play United Offensive (UO) wich is the only original expansion, but for multyplayer the 1.05 patch is the most played, lot of server for all the game-type

Die Hard
01-25-2005, 01:48 PM
Yep, I installed the 105 patch last night and looked at the servers, there were loads of them :thumbs: