View Full Version : how is your attitude on forums vs real life

Free Styler
03-10-2005, 03:48 PM
Ok so here is what i'm going to say.

Do you have the same behaviors or attitude on forums then in real life.
What i mean by this is....

Is your image well represented.

And for those who have met people from these forums.

Did your perception before meeting them change after meeting them.

I for one can say that things you say on forums dont dissapear the next day.
And i've sometime written things one drunkin night....and the next day i was like whoaaaaa.oups

03-10-2005, 04:20 PM
hehe this is funny cause pure and a bunch of the guys know that i am pretty much the same in real life.....i will do anything and it really dosent bother me to do it hehe.

03-10-2005, 04:28 PM
hehe this is funny cause pure and a bunch of the guys know that i am pretty much the same in real life.....i will do anything and it really dosent bother me to do it hehe.

I've met quite a few people from GM in real life :D

I'd have to say LaSH was the one who suprised me the most, not at all what I expected :D

His RL and GML are quite a bit different, and I enjoy both sides to my sheep luvvin pal :thumbs:

when you spend a lot of time on TS2 talking before you meet, it takes a lot of the suprise factor away.

03-10-2005, 04:45 PM
By necessity, I'm more conservative in RL than I am online. I wouldn't say half the **** in RL that I say on TS2 (unless I'm in some very select company, which doesn't often happen in RL, unfortunately).

03-10-2005, 04:56 PM
i dont see a reason to be any diff on the forum then in real life

Free Styler
03-10-2005, 05:25 PM
i dont see a reason to be any diff on the forum then in real life

Well that's my point.It's not about the reason or wanting to be different.

It's just that it may be the case for some ....On a subconsious level.

Free Styler
03-10-2005, 05:47 PM
A other comment i may add to this is that......

People tend to care less about what they say to poeple on forums then in real life.

I'm pretty shure that half the things said in these forums would not of been said in real life... Let's say this was a paintball community where everybody knew each other in real life.

My opinion of course.

The 3rd option of the poll just proves my point.Some just dont care.

But in seomeones face saying things of that nature could give you a punch in the face.

Alas i will say i know for a fact that i would not of said things to Bigg let's say that i have said in the past for the logical fact that i now know he is 6' 4'' and i'm only 6' 2" and a half.


Nobodys perfect ....if you think you are then your a looser

03-10-2005, 08:57 PM
im totally differnt in real life
online i like to **** with everyone :P

Free Styler
03-10-2005, 09:08 PM
im totally differnt in real life
online i like to **** with everyone :P

I tend to make that a little myself.But usally it's for fun and not to do harm.

But then again it does not always work out that way

Free Styler
03-10-2005, 09:10 PM
post 498

Free Styler
03-10-2005, 09:11 PM
post 499

Free Styler
03-10-2005, 09:11 PM
half a thousand posts to my name.wohhooo

03-10-2005, 09:28 PM
Me same same :)

03-10-2005, 11:01 PM
Honestly, I'm a lot more subdued with what I say and/or talk about on the forums than I am at work or around the house. Working at a car/truck dealership for the past twenty years tends to bring out some prize-winning topics and some real colorful language..http://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/zensiert/zdrb.gif

I guess I don't wanna get banned just yet.. :rolleyes: :doh:

03-11-2005, 12:51 AM
half a thousand posts to my name.wohhooo
amature :D

<--------- :eek:

03-11-2005, 01:01 AM
Personally I swear a lot. (but only in company that is down with it) I have manners and tend to wear my mask here on the forums as one does in real life public situations. Except when I am really drunk then Salvation has to slap me around a bit to keep me in line.

Free Styler
03-11-2005, 01:06 AM
amature :D

<--------- :eek:

Multiplie my 500 by 29 and i'm over you amount.
Not that bad

03-11-2005, 01:12 AM
i talk alot more, and i talk about more interesting things...

here, i simply dont talk much at all/ post insightful stuff simply because i am too lazy to print it out, or dont care...

oh yeah, i guess i can be pretty cynical! kidding..... im usually pretty positive.

Free Styler
03-11-2005, 01:46 AM
i talk alot more, and i talk about more interesting things...

here, i simply dont talk much at all/ post insightful stuff simply because i am too lazy to print it out, or dont care...

oh yeah, i guess i can be pretty cynical! kidding..... im usually pretty positive.

Ya yould like to think that hehe jk

Btw i talk like you could never imagine.

Ask my brother he will confim myu statement.

Compared to real life i barely gasped a whisper in these forums.

I think i'm a lazy typer also.

And to simply put it i prefer talking in person then this.

Tho i have nothing agaisnt "this" considering i browse them often.

I think the reson i come to these forums his because each thread is like a little suprise.You never know what's inside.Sometimes it's boring but sometimes it's action packed.

Most popular topics being "who is the best"......"cheating"......"whinning"

"lag" god what a gift from the sky these topics have brought me.

Sometimes i thinks it's pathetic how i get involved in these threads.

But then again who am i to judge what is and was is not pathetic.

As long has something his learned from these supposly educational threads.

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
03-11-2005, 01:47 AM
The same or at least similar.:D

Free Styler
03-11-2005, 03:06 AM
25% for poll number 3.
0% for poll number 4.

Updates on these results available on this page.


Still to come on this subject instinct vs counsiousness.

03-11-2005, 03:15 AM
Most popular topics being "who is the best"......"cheating"......"whinning"

"lag" god what a gift from the sky these topics have brought me.

I find those topics the most boring out of all of them...

Dangerous Dan
03-11-2005, 03:26 AM
I'm the same as in real life. Only probaly a little more outspoken on the forums :)

Free Styler
03-11-2005, 04:32 AM
I find those topics the most boring out of all of them...

Me too i forgot to put the " " before that sentence.

But they are stilll the most popular

Free Styler
03-11-2005, 04:40 AM
I'm the same as in real life. Only probaly a little more outspoken on the forums :)

Well to be honest with you DD i have a hard time to imagine what kinda guy you are.

What deep secrets may be liying in your mind.hehejk

But seriously Maybe the image i have of you is completly off. i dont know.

Maybe it's spot on also i dont know

Tho i will say i think i have merkwannebe images spot on.

Meaning id meet him in person and i'd expect what i think i would.But then again maybe i'm rong who knows.

That's enough who knows or i dont know comments for now.

03-11-2005, 04:46 AM
Same on the boards as in real........ I like to be a multi faceted peep, not a multi persona "beep" !! :P

::: DARK PSI :::
03-11-2005, 04:49 AM
Sal slaps you around too huh.. He is such a brute. What a stud.

Personally I swear a lot. (but only in company that is down with it) I have manners and tend to wear my mask here on the forums as one does in real life public situations. Except when I am really drunk then Salvation has to slap me around a bit to keep me in line.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
03-11-2005, 12:31 PM
People tell me (that have met me) that I have chosen the appropriate avatar that conveys my personality.
I am an overgrown goof. A 6 foot 4, 240lb. bundle of laughs.
Seldom serious and extremely handsome. :D

03-11-2005, 03:35 PM
People tell me (that have met me) that I have chosen the appropriate avatar that conveys my personality.
I am an overgrown goof. A 6 foot 4, 240lb. bundle of laughs.
Seldom serious and extremely handsome. :D

That's my podnar alright! :D

Alexis SC430
03-11-2005, 06:08 PM
Well, here at the forums I tend to use far less bad language than I do IRL namely because this ****ing thing just puts in a bunch of ****ing asterixes whenever I try to ****ing curse.

Alexis SC430
03-11-2005, 06:11 PM
Also, despite such font modifying features as bold, italics, and larger font sizes, it's much harder to convey flat out SCREAMING on this board -- something I do a whole lot of IRL.

Alexis SC430
03-11-2005, 06:34 PM
I mean, I really reeeeaaally just want to SCREAM AT PEOPLE DAMNIT, but it's really hard to convey flat-out, raw SCEAMING in text.

God... I really really REALLY want to SCREAM about the fact that I can't scream on this board RIGHT NOW, and I can feel this total anger and frustration building up inside of me as a result, but I just can't SCREAM it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I always feel so alone and unloved both here and in my real life, and -- oh my God -- how I want to scream about it, but I just feel like all the bold and capital letters in the world can't really adeqautely demonstrate how I really really feel!

I mean, in real life the screaming doesn't always help but at least I can kind of express some of the emotional TURMOIL that people JUST LIKE ALL OF YOU PUT ME THROUGH ON A DAILY BASIS!!!

Why can't you just STOP IT?! WHY CAN NO ONE ever just say, "It's okay Alexis, we all love you, and we're very very sorry that we're so mean and do such stupid things and act like morons and talk without thinking, and everything is going to be all right and you're a wonderful person and we understand that you try to be nice but it is US, not you, but US who are responsible for making your life a living HELL!"

DO I EVER GET THAT? Of course I don't! It's just really not fair people! I TRY to be good and nice and sweet to everyone I know, but do THEY APPRECIATE IT? DO THEY TRY TO RECIPROCATE THIS ATTITUDE? NO THEY DON'T!! NO ONE EVER DOES!

And on this board it's even worse, because when I start crying the best I can do to show this is to use this dopey, melodramatic little emoticon HERE --> :bawling: And that really does NO JUSTICE!!

I mean, maybe I am a bad person, but it's not like I try to be! If I could just get a little friggin' support and comfort every once in a while from YOU PEOPLE and all the bastards I know IRL maybe I wouldn't have to walk around in this emotionally charged, semi-psychotic state EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE!!!

Do you know how hard that is for me?? Just how difficult people make my life?? Just how little love I feel emanating from those around me?? Friends, boyfriends, customers at work, people I pass on the street with their sick, accusative eyes -- THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!


I just want a little support, but apparantly that is too much to ask. :(

03-11-2005, 07:25 PM
Yeah...why bother being different...

03-11-2005, 08:25 PM
:eek: :confused:

03-11-2005, 08:26 PM
I can help make you scream... :devil: :woohoo: :wootrock: :ha:

Alexis SC430
03-11-2005, 08:40 PM
Don't Trivialize My Feelings, Damnit!!

03-11-2005, 08:42 PM
:wave: :wub:

03-11-2005, 08:49 PM
why dont you come to the basement...we love all of our members. u play ut i know you do. :D

OUTLAWS high ping camper
03-11-2005, 09:03 PM
If you show support you will receive it. If you show respect you will recieve it. If you show compassion you will recieve it.
Pretty much, you reap what you sow.
I'm not trying to sound sarcastic or "cold" with the above comments, they are just my general observation of this forum and real life.

03-11-2005, 09:17 PM
oh ya im a strong believer in what you give is what you get.
i normaly dont expect nething tho :thumbs:

solid snake295
03-11-2005, 10:52 PM
lots of words and stuff
i posted you a valentines day card :P


Death Engineer
03-12-2005, 02:31 AM
My personal opinion is that people should not use means to get around the language filters on the forums....even if they know how.

03-12-2005, 02:33 PM
GM, we know drama!

Alexis SC430
03-13-2005, 12:09 AM
Aww, yeah, I saw the card... that really was sweet. Thanks. :o

03-13-2005, 12:42 AM
Alexis, look, being pissed is good. However, rather than screaming, take a hammer, and beat the **** out of anything and everything and I assure you you will feel MUCH better ;)