View Full Version : body spec sorc

03-11-2005, 01:25 AM
How high do you spec in body?

Going to respec my mind sorc, and he has enough into mind for red crack, and like 26 into body. The points I had left over I put into matter. If I respec and only get a single line, would it be enough to get a body spec? Or would I need 2 respec stones?

03-11-2005, 08:21 AM
Yeah that should work just respec the mind line with the single line stone and add everything into body till ya have the desired body spec and put rest back into mind.

As for how high in body i don't know might wanna ask Word or Speedy.

03-11-2005, 11:30 AM
My sorc is:
Body 45+19
Matter 6+19
Mind 29+19

03-11-2005, 06:09 PM
45 body ftw. Remember to ask Rosie about respec'ing sorcs... she's got a fun story about her respec:)

03-12-2005, 12:42 AM
Thanks all. Got my respec stone, just didn't have time to do it, as well wasn't sure who to turn it into. :)

03-13-2005, 04:16 AM
I lack the memory for names. Single Line goes to the chick above D1 at Humberton keep. Full Career goes to the chick in the Hall of Names in Camelot (near the guild registrar/name registrar). Abrogo and Exergum RA stones go to the same place as Full Career, just different person. Stars of Destiny are used in the Hall of Heros in ToA.

Speak with the person, click through the dialog. Accept the quest, turn in the stone and recieve credit for a respec. Travel back to your class trainer anywhere and use the respec commands avilable to you using your new found respec. (/respec <line>, /respec <all>, /respec <realm>)

If you have had that character before NF came out, which I believe you had, and had not used the free respec given at that time.... you may have a free one in the bank. I'd check that first. When you log in, from anywhere, try typing /respec all. If you recieve a dialog box, you should have one available. If you're met with a text dialog that states you don't have one... well:P Could save yourself a stone for another toon.

Once ya get your spec, just for giggles go duo with a cabby and have them debuff body, just to check your cap after debuff. Really nice doing the nuke damage after debuff that fire wizzy's free cast at. Makes ya feel powerful behind that toon.

Hope you like your new spec. Kick some A$$ Grimmy!