View Full Version : the new internetted third world cheap labor force

05-04-2005, 03:42 PM

interesting article, mostly about everquest though...

"Most Far Eastern sites are thought to employ cheap labor working in concert to reach large amounts of treasure swiftly, working in their chosen roles, ganging up on loners and ruining the game for lots of other players. The more successful this is, the fewer places gamers can find to play genuinely among themselves."

I don't play mmorpgs, but I can see how things like this would easily ruin the game.

05-04-2005, 05:24 PM
As bad as that is, they get a A for the concept. That's what happens when people take a game too seriously, people figure out ways to prey on you and make a proffit.

Brings a whole new meaning to Ownage ....

05-04-2005, 09:42 PM
Its the internet, you have total control of what goes on in the game...
Can't you just have another force working for Sony who tracks down and bans these people?

05-04-2005, 10:12 PM
That's another reason I like Guildwars. You don't have to worry about going out to do something only to find it camped or even worst, stolen from under you. When you port out to go do something in Guildwars, it's just you or your group against the mobs in your own instanced world. Yon Hung Low and his co-workers can kiss my grits! :loser:

Related info:

I guess I should've posted in OT also. :rolleyes: