View Full Version : Michael Jackson innnocent

06-13-2005, 09:22 PM

06-13-2005, 09:24 PM
I'm all verklempt :D

06-13-2005, 09:25 PM
Damn you, I was just gonna post this.

Michael Jackson has been found NOT GUILTY on all 10 accounts of whatever he was charged for.

Basically the dude get's to go free and all this hubub was just a bunch of hallabaloo and gave him a lot of publicity :P

yea that's what i think ^ :P

06-13-2005, 09:27 PM
money says all

06-13-2005, 09:34 PM
Yet another sad day to be an American. First in November and now this.

06-14-2005, 01:06 AM
Sweet! Now i can go back to his house! ;O

Caged Anger
06-14-2005, 01:32 AM
^ EXE! lol

Anyway, I don't knwo what to think about this. I want anyone guilty of what he was charged of to go to jail. Maybe other things more gruesome, but I'll leave it at jail.

I don't however, like to see our judicial system taken for a joyride as many have been trying to do. Too often celebrities are become targets for quick money and media recognition. If he was not guilty, then I hope he lives a happy life. If he was guilty and got off on a get out fo jail ticket, then may his soul rest in the underworld.

06-14-2005, 02:04 AM
Unless you've seen all the evidence and testimony, how can you judge him, to do so is arrogant.

I would like to think everyone knows by now that the media is about selling avertising, not reporting the facts. The jury took 7 days, they did their job. Let his God judge him.

MJ= not guilty

OJ= not guilty

Mike Tyson= guilty


As a parent, anyone who would knowingly put their child in a potentially dangerous situation is the true criminal. I know if I thought somebody was harming my child, I'd be doing some time http://bestsmileys.com/jail/1.gif and it would be worth it!

He Is Legend
06-14-2005, 03:06 AM
I knew he wasnt going to be guilty at the start

the media is always looking for a story

people are money hungry

it's a sad world.

06-14-2005, 03:25 AM
Sweet! Now i can go back to his house! ;O :funny:

Justice was served. Remember, he had to be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Obviously, the prosecution's case was not sturdy enough to hold up in court. Do I think he's a 40 something year old FREAK that has publicly admitted sleeping with young boys? Of course. But that's my opinion.
As many holes as there are in our judicial system, like it or not, it's still the best on the planet.IMO.

Mad Fox
06-14-2005, 06:56 PM
Basically his defense team was able to blow some expensive smoke. And confuse the jury. Isn't this MJ's third time dealing with such a scenario? Anyone seea pattern?

06-14-2005, 10:09 PM
why Jackson have Macaulay Culkin's pictures in his bedroom?
full magazines of these pics

06-15-2005, 02:10 PM
i think each juror should have there kids stay with micheal jackson for a week since the found him innocent. if this was you, you would be getting butt f'd by big bubba in some jail cell. actually if it was you, you would deserve that:thumbs: .

this country is all about the money. as far as it being the best system in the world, i don't believe it.

you know Johnnie Cochoran was a great lawyer and made a lot of money.

on his grave stone it say's

Johnnie Cochoran


06-15-2005, 02:11 PM
i think each juror should have there kids stay with micheal jackson for a week since the found him innocent. if this was you, you would be getting butt f'd by big bubba in some jail cell. actually if it was you, you would deserve that:thumbs: .

this country is all about the money. as far as it being the best system in the world, i don't believe it.

you know Johnnie Cochoran was a great lawyer and made a lot of money.

on his grave stone it say's

Johnnie Cochoran


06-15-2005, 03:03 PM
you know Johnnie Cochoran was a great lawyer and made a lot of money.

on his grave stone it say's

Johnnie Cochoran


Does it seriously say that, or are you jokin' around?!

06-15-2005, 03:51 PM
im sure he was kidding, otherwise OJ would have sued his family by now and we would have heard about it on the news

Edit: Oh yeah, he did it (MJ) and the parents are just as guilty as he is for knowingly endangering their own kids