View Full Version : Red Steel

04-13-2006, 06:51 PM
Anyone else heard of it? I just got my issue of Game Informer yesterday and was reading about it. Seems to be great. Its being made at the guys at Ubisoft Paris. The screenshots look current-gen but I don't really mind. Its a FPS with katanas and modern guns. Its supposed to take place in Japan and its about the Yazuka (sp?) gang.

Dangerous Dan
04-13-2006, 07:48 PM
It does sound awsome indeed. And the fact that it's being made by quite possibly one of the best western developer out there gets me even more excited :D

04-15-2006, 04:43 AM
http://www.gameshout.com/news/nintendo_revolution_red_steel_release_for_revoluti on_console/article4745.htm

From the looks of those screens I don't think any of the current-gen systems have enough processing power to render those kinds of environments. The particle and lightning effects alone give the game a more appealing and realistic effect. Not to mention those sexah people on the botton of the screen doing poses with thair Revolution Controllers.

Frankly, I can't imagine myself playing anything while standing up. Unless of course I had a 100" HD LCD TV in my room.

For me it's always been about gameplay, not graphics. Sure the graphics can compilment the gameplay, but overall playability wins out.

Dangerous Dan
04-16-2006, 12:20 AM
haha, yeah, I hear you don't really need to wave your hands around or stand perfectly erect to play rev games. a simply flick of the wrists while sitting in your fav easy chair should do the trick :cool: