View Full Version : Bowling for Columbine

11-05-2006, 12:51 AM
I just watched this movie on Google Video. If anyone is interested you can find it here:


The movie was made by Michael Moore, who is not on of my favorite film-makers because of the way he slants the facts to serve his own purposes. I've learned though that watching things like this, along with the conspiracy movies on 9/11, etc., helps me to balance my opinions a bit. If you think you are getting a non-biased story from the American government and the American press, then you really need to re-evaluate your belief system. I've seen many people here say in the past "No, I'm not going to watch this crap". Why not?

Just something to think about. When someone refuses to consider all possibilities and allows themselves to be fed propaganda from the government and major American news agencies, can that person really say that they have formed a valid opinion based on all of the information available?

He Is Legend
11-05-2006, 01:50 AM

11-05-2006, 06:38 AM
Wow, what emotional film.

Die Hard
11-05-2006, 12:21 PM
Saw it ages ago and it's excellent :thumbs:

11-05-2006, 04:11 PM
Haven't seen it yet, but I do plan to. The films that I did see from Michael Moore previously were The Big One and Fahrenheit 9/11. Besides, what good is an opinion if one is not willing to hear all sides? My hat's off to you Sirc for reminding us of that.

11-05-2006, 04:40 PM
Don't buy into the propaganda SIRC. Moore is a shill on the payroll of TPTB. Research the researchers. Do your own research. Study official documents. Don't just believe something because someone said it is so.

11-05-2006, 07:32 PM
aww im sawry :(


11-06-2006, 03:33 AM
Don't buy into the propaganda SIRC. Moore is a shill on the payroll of TPTB. Research the researchers. Do your own research. Study official documents. Don't just believe something because someone said it is so.
He even said that it helps balance his opinions and that he doesn't completely buy into Moore's views. R...E...A...D... it helps.

11-06-2006, 12:23 PM
He even said that it helps balance his opinions and that he doesn't completely buy into Moore's views. R...E...A...D... it helps.
reading is soooo 1998 :P

Death Engineer
11-06-2006, 06:59 PM
When someone refuses to consider all possibilities and allows themselves to be fed propaganda from the government and major American news agencies, can that person really say that they have formed a valid opinion based on all of the information available?

I am one of those that would just rather not see his movies. Reason being that he has a proven track record of extreme bias in his "documentaries." I don't feel obligated in the least to "open my mind" to proven liars just to hear what they have to say.

11-06-2006, 07:17 PM
I am one of those that would just rather not see his movies. Reason being that he has a proven track record of extreme bias in his "documentaries." I don't feel obligated in the least to "open my mind" to proven liars just to hear what they have to say.obviously never watched a speach or press conference of President Bush either :rolleyes: http://www.ooze.com/finger/bushfinger.jpg

Die Hard
11-06-2006, 08:08 PM
I am one of those that would just rather not see his movies. Reason being that he has a proven track record of extreme bias in his "documentaries." I don't feel obligated in the least to "open my mind" to proven liars just to hear what they have to say.No, no, no DE. Thats not the way. You have to listen to all sides otherwise your views are flawed.

11-06-2006, 08:22 PM
I think Moore's political movies were trash. I did not like him one bit and would never have watched them to the end.

I did however watch this film. I think he did a good job on it. It opened my eyes on the gun laws and way news is presented. He had some valid points and raised issues that should be looked into. There are other countries where everyone has guns but they aren't shooting each other to the extent they are in this country. It looks like the way the news is presented has a big effect on peoples attitudes and actions.

Still don't like him, but this movie was good.

11-06-2006, 08:23 PM
obviously never watched a speach or press conference of President Bush either :rolleyes: http://www.ooze.com/finger/bushfinger.jpg

Or Kerry!!

11-06-2006, 10:43 PM
Or Kerry!!

so true, that's why http://members.cox.net/robert.wales2/smallcobbsticker.jpg was the only good choice....

11-07-2006, 12:48 AM
No, no, no DE. Thats not the way. You have to listen to all sides otherwise your views are flawed.

That sounded a bit sarcastic, but actually I believe what you said to be true.

11-07-2006, 02:21 AM
No, no, no DE. Thats not the way. You have to listen to all sides otherwise your views are flawed.
Your views aren't necessarily flawed because there is no way you can possibly consider ALL sides of an issue. There are only the sides presented to you. Furthermore, if you consider this and look beyond then you might realize that there is no such thing as a "neutral standpoint" or a place in between "truth" and "what people say". Every issue can be approached in a given number of ways, but none of them will ever be a TRUE way. It all depends on how it impacts you and/or your community and how much actual good will be done if a side is taken.

Everything is flawed in some way or another, people just don't like to admit it.

11-07-2006, 04:05 AM
Everything is NOT flawed. There will always be one way , that is The Way, that is the Truth and is unblemished and will be forever.

11-07-2006, 04:12 AM
Everything is NOT flawed. There will always be one way , that is The Way, that is the Truth and is unblemished and will be forever.:rolleyes: shadd upp :rolleyes:

11-07-2006, 04:52 AM
Everything is NOT flawed. There will always be one way , that is The Way, that is the Truth and is unblemished and will be forever.
You are far behind the times my friend. While I can respect your opinion and not resort to name calling to prove my point (or the points of many contemporary philosophers) I think that you really need to look deep inside yourself and see if you really feel that way.

To be quite frank there is nothing true or absolute in the true sense of the word(s). Everything is merely an interpretation and the world makes sense because we as humans gave the world it's sense.


"1. We do not have direct access to the world. We get to know the world only through language (recall Kant on the role of regulative ideas, such as causality, in our knowledge of the phenomenal world). By language we do not just mean Chinese or English but any system of signs that allows us to know some aspect of the world in some way. In this sense, the language of modern economics or the language of Einsteinian physics is as much a language as Chinese or English."

Die Hard
11-07-2006, 09:06 AM
Your views aren't necessarily flawed because there is no way you can possibly consider ALL sides of an issue. There are only the sides presented to you. Furthermore, if you consider this and look beyond then you might realize that there is no such thing as a "neutral standpoint" or a place in between "truth" and "what people say". Every issue can be approached in a given number of ways, but none of them will ever be a TRUE way. It all depends on how it impacts you and/or your community and how much actual good will be done if a side is taken.

Everything is flawed in some way or another, people just don't like to admit it.Well quite. However, my point was that DE was not prepared to listen {watch} the 'other' side. Instead he has formed his opinion having heard only one side. Therefore, his views are flawed.

11-07-2006, 01:59 PM
You are far behind the times my friend. While I can respect your opinion and not resort to name calling to prove my point (or the points of many contemporary philosophers) I think that you really need to look deep inside yourself and see if you really feel that way.

To be quite frank there is nothing true or absolute in the true sense of the word(s). Everything is merely an interpretation and the world makes sense because we as humans gave the world it's sense.


"1. We do not have direct access to the world. We get to know the world only through language (recall Kant on the role of regulative ideas, such as causality, in our knowledge of the phenomenal world). By language we do not just mean Chinese or English but any system of signs that allows us to know some aspect of the world in some way. In this sense, the language of modern economics or the language of Einsteinian physics is as much a language as Chinese or English."
actually, i just babbled those nonsensical words and formed them into a sentence just so it contradicted your post previous to that

so :P back @ PE

11-07-2006, 03:20 PM
actually, i just babbled those nonsensical words and formed them into a sentence just so it contradicted your post previous to that

so :P back @ PE
Figures. Nonsense Nitro at his best.

11-07-2006, 06:55 PM
must u be soo serious these days ExE?
ur getting way to serious for my taste =/

11-07-2006, 09:11 PM
I won't be happy until I get my ****ing Wii!

11-08-2006, 02:08 AM
I won't be happy until I get my ****ing Wii!
get PS3 dude

it's got Bluray!

11-08-2006, 03:20 AM
get PS3 dude

it's got Bluray!
Which is of no use to me since I don't own an HDTV... yet. Even then most of the movies out on Bluray aren't that great. And I don't like the controller plus the added fact that Sony totally ripped the tilt sensing technology from the Wii. Sure HD graphics are nice but I'd rather spend $600 on an HDTV and $250 on my Wii.

11-08-2006, 03:44 AM
you don't have HDTV? be an American materialistic consumer whore and get one already!

but seriously, why even geta system? al lit does is waste time, time that could be put to good use

11-08-2006, 04:05 AM
you don't have HDTV? be an American materialistic consumer whore and get one already!

but seriously, why even geta system? al lit does is waste time, time that could be put to good use
What's good use? Going out and drinking? I don't think a gaming system will waste my time any more than me sitting in front of my computer and typing this. I don't normally play games for extended periods of time anymore. I get turned off very easily. The Wii is going to be more or less a present for my 10 year old brother who loves to game. It will be in his room and I will purchase an >=27" HDTV for him when I have the funds. Sure I'll hop on and play occasionally but I am buying the system because I think Nintendo has indeed done something near-revolutionary with their innovative control method. I'll give it a try and if I don't like it I'm sure that my brother will and he can enjoy the system.

The point of my argument is that you shouldn't let any one thing completely consume your life. Whether it's work, gaming or anything else. I'm in college right now and I hear about kids who don't show up to class because they were partying all night and essentially "wasting their time". Why waste your money on education when all you are doing is throwing it away?

Today people seem so preoccupied with other things that they don't have time to sit down and reconsider their own personal lives and the lives of the people around them. They just seem to want to get on with their lives. Well it's not so easy when all the wrongs committed by the people around us pass us by. I want to be able to lead a healthy, independent, and fulfilling life. I want to pursue my passions which to an extend include gaming, movies, visiting new places, and many other things. I don't think time is wasted when I'm enjoying myself.

11-08-2006, 04:19 AM
and hey, thats all gravy, but its like the Beavis and Butthead scenario

B and B's entire life basically was comprised of sitting in fron of the TV and staring into it for hours, days on end. Sure, they were enjoying themselves, but is that a good way to enjoy yourself? To me, it is an incredibly bad way to spend time, a highly valuable commodity

Death Engineer
11-08-2006, 04:22 AM
Well quite. However, my point was that DE was not prepared to listen {watch} the 'other' side. Instead he has formed his opinion having heard only one side. Therefore, his views are flawed.

That seems like a pretty quick conclusion. How do you know that I haven't examined these same issues based on other reports?

Tell me something....if you were reading a history book and ran across a page that contained information you knew was blatently and factually wrong, would you continue to read the book? I would probably go back to question everything I had read in that book up until that point.

Personally, I avoid using materials/media that are lacking in integrity and truth for forming my views whether political, moral, or otherwise.

On a side note...Nitro/Exe...can you take your side discussion to another thread please?

11-08-2006, 04:25 AM
and hey, thats all gravy, but its like the Beavis and Butthead scenario

B and B's entire life basically was comprised of sitting in fron of the TV and staring into it for hours, days on end. Sure, they were enjoying themselves, but is that a good way to enjoy yourself? To me, it is an incredibly bad way to spend time, a highly valuable commodity
It's really pertinent that you develop your reading comprehension skills and not pick out a single sentence of what I wrote and then base your rebuttal on it. Please maybe read what I wrote a second time (try and focus on that middle section if you will) and then reply with something useful.

Also may I ask what you spend your free time doing?

11-08-2006, 09:53 AM
What's good use? Going out and drinking? I don't think a gaming system will waste my time any more than me sitting in front of my computer and typing this. I don't normally play games for extended periods of time anymore. I get turned off very easily. The Wii is going to be more or less a present for my 10 year old brother who loves to game. It will be in his room and I will purchase an >=27" HDTV for him when I have the funds. Sure I'll hop on and play occasionally but I am buying the system because I think Nintendo has indeed done something near-revolutionary with their innovative control method. I'll give it a try and if I don't like it I'm sure that my brother will and he can enjoy the system.

The point of my argument is that you shouldn't let any one thing completely consume your life. Whether it's work, gaming or anything else. I'm in college right now and I hear about kids who don't show up to class because they were partying all night and essentially "wasting their time". Why waste your money on education when all you are doing is throwing it away?

Today people seem so preoccupied with other things that they don't have time to sit down and reconsider their own personal lives and the lives of the people around them. They just seem to want to get on with their lives. Well it's not so easy when all the wrongs committed by the people around us pass us by. I want to be able to lead a healthy, independent, and fulfilling life. I want to pursue my passions which to an extend include gaming, movies, visiting new places, and many other things. I don't think time is wasted when I'm enjoying myself.

Good post exe.

11-08-2006, 12:37 PM
It's really pertinent that you develop your reading comprehension skills and not pick out a single sentence of what I wrote and then base your rebuttal on it. Please maybe read what I wrote a second time (try and focus on that middle section if you will) and then reply with something useful.

Also may I ask what you spend your free time doing?
I almost never have any free time which kind of sucks now that I tihnk about it ;(

Sorry about going off on a tangent DE, but it happens ;)

Die Hard
11-08-2006, 01:53 PM
That seems like a pretty quick conclusion. How do you know that I haven't examined these same issues based on other reports?

Tell me something....if you were reading a history book and ran across a page that contained information you knew was blatently and factually wrong, would you continue to read the book? I would probably go back to question everything I had read in that book up until that point.

Personally, I avoid using materials/media that are lacking in integrity and truth for forming my views whether political, moral, or otherwise.I don't know that, you're right.

However, there is a lot of truth in Moore's points. Okay some may be exaggerated but just because he doesn't have 'god on his side' doesn't mean he is totally wrong.

Your House of Representatives appear to be seeing the light.