View Full Version : Internet problems

12-17-2006, 07:59 PM
Yo GM-goers, I am back..... and after nearly a month-long hiatus. Almost a month now. Why???Because our ISP suddenly and without warning shut their doors. Flxtek.net went out of business, it was a dialup service that gave us 56k. We've had no prior warning before they made the move, and it has been hell trying to get reconnected. Several weeks ago we signed up for Verizon Online DSL, but on the day they were due to get us connected we found out they entered in the wrong telephone number, but they assured us that the problem was fixed and we were going to get our service in one weekend's time at the latest. But it did not happen, that one problem was never rectified, and for the past week we were cursing our way through all this time offline. Verizon ended up canceling our order and we had to put a new one in, but they promised us a credit so we would have to pay less, a little make-up for all the problems we've been having. And today we finally got hooked up, and I am back, and no longer blazing at a mere 56k connection. I am glad to be back at GameMecca, I missed everyone here, now point me to the debate threads so I can spew some venom. :DIt's good to be back. :thumbs:

12-18-2006, 12:33 AM
Welcome back, Glad you got fixed up, But be careful where you spit your venom.,... lol

12-18-2006, 01:11 AM
I hope you will use that new connection moreso for gaming rather than debating.

12-18-2006, 02:50 AM
I've already tried the new connection in some of my games, Sam not one of them yet, and I am already very pleased with it.

Die Hard
12-18-2006, 09:13 AM
Welcome back :wave:

Caged Anger
12-18-2006, 02:38 PM
hmm, guess the last of the 56K gamers are gone. The age of dial up is over, long live cable and fiber op!!!