View Full Version : Forum Rules

::: DARK PSI :::
02-17-2003, 10:46 PM
Below is a list of items which are not allowed on the GameMecca public forums. Performing any of the items listed below may result in forum banning for a definite/indefinite period of time. All ban lengths will be decided by a committee of the admins and coordinators. By posting on the GameMecca forums, you agree that you understand that the items listed below are prohibited.

The below rules apply to all public forums only. Private forum rules are determined by the moderators of those forums.

All items below include both posts and signatures:

1. No warez. This includes the linking to sites or locations which offer illegal downloads of games or other applications. This also includes discussions regarding warez, ROMS, their use, and ways to retrieve and distribute them.

2. No flames towards any person. Flames are considered a personal attack against a person(s) purposely mean-spirited. With many clans here we understand that topics will get heated, but when topics turn into blatant fights, the topic will be locked and punishment will be decided.

3. No pornographic links. Links to sites which provide pornographic material and overly explicit pictures are not allowed.

4. Forum names. Extremely vulgar forum names or names which are especially offensive are not allowed.

5. Technically abusive posts. Posts that cause technical difficulties with the forums are not allowed (1,000 smiles in a row) or posts that cause purposeful harm to a member's PC.

6. Abusive and threatening Private Messages sent to members. In no way will GameMecca resources be used for damaging messages. Please find another non-GameMecca resource to communicate.

7. Registering multiple forum names. We understand that due to technical difficulties, members sometimes register names more than once. However, we will not tolerate members purposefully registering multiple forum names and actively using all accounts to appear as different people.

8. Advertising personal forums or products without expressed permission from GameMecca. The GameMecca member base is a very diverse group of people and a wonderful way to get your personal website, forum or product to a ever-growing audience. Just remember that the Admins of GameMecca pay for all the hosting and setup to keep GameMecca fully functioning for your benefit. If you wish to advertise to our member base, please send your request to an Admin of GameMecca and we will be very happy to assist you reach your targeted audience.

9. Name Changes. We understand that members do wish to change their name from time to time. A name change is now allowed once every 3 months.

10. You are responsible for your own account. You are at all times responsible for what is posted under your account. If you break any of these rules, regardless of whether it was you physically at the keyboard, the offending account will be punished.

11. Using Internet sites to hide/change your IP. If you use any Internet software/site intended to hide or mask your IP, your account will be punished. This rule has nothing to do with routers and normal hardware/software used that sometimes mask your real IP. This rule pertains to people that visit "hacking" sites prior to visiting GameMecca that hide/change their IP so that they can get around our ban filters and/or attempt malicious action towards GameMecca.

12. Private Messages are private. Private messages are just that...private. If you publicly post a message from another member without their expressed permission, your account will come under review and action will be taken.

13. Signature size. Signatures can be no larger than 550x150 pixels and 300k. Please do not attempt to skirt around the rule by using multiple large pictures. We are looking to keep GameMecca surfer friendly for all users. There are a few signatures still in use here that are larger and have been 'grandfathered' in because they were in use before this rule took effect. If that person changes their signature graphic to a new one, it will have to comply with the new size rule. If we find your signature to obnoxious or offensive we will change it for you or you will be asked to change it.

14. English Language. We have many gamers from around the world logging in at Gamemecca with the ability to speak different languages, but please use the English language in all public areas. Private messages and private areas on the forum are not subjuect to this rule.

If any of the above offenses have occurred, the offending member may be banned while the GM committee determines the severity of the offense and the appropriate punishment. GameMecca reserves the right to change these rules at anytime. If you have any questions, please contact a GM admin.