View Full Version : The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)

09-20-2007, 03:26 AM
This movie I watch many times the old version and now it will be coming out next year of March.

A remake of the 1951 classic sci-fi film

Stone Cold
09-26-2007, 04:29 PM
There have been alien movies around since the 1920's, but recently these movies have adopted a specific theme: evil aliens come in huge numbers to invade and either occupy or destroy the Earth. Examples are "Independence Day", "X-Files", "Signs" and "War of the Worlds". There are official papers like the Brookings report that explain how the authorities are using the media to promote certain mindsets in the populous; they're encouraging us to love hate or fear particular things.

Stone Cold
09-26-2007, 04:34 PM
"Just before he [Wernher von Braun] died, he gave an interview to Carol Rosin in the 1970's, in which he basically said that in order to sustain the military-industrial complex that first a false threat of terrorists would be created and used on the public and then asteroids and finally a false alien threat."

Seeing as von Braun predicted the Cold War and the War on Terror I think we should take this very seriously. Put it together with Project Bluebeam and the current minor releases of UFO files...

See article and video here:

This could be the reason for the recent UFO reports in mainstream media, e.g., in Phoenix and at O'Hare Airport, etc. That is, to help set up the public mindset. Also, France's and British recent release of UFO information.

Also, since 9/11 is blowing up in the faces of the NWO boys, they may feel a need to go to the next step (the fake invasion) sooner than originally planned before 2013.

09-26-2007, 06:21 PM
BTW the link is dead.

Yes I have read a lot about it and I know of Carol Rosin too.

This was to be a movie that is coming out and I know lot of what you said because I follow up on it a great deal but at this forum many do not know of it or read on it and can be controversial. That is why I never really post what I rally know and have learned over the years.

Stone it's good to keep an open mind and glad to see you reading up on many interesting things but keep this mind that always look at it in different direction and play a roll as a skepticism for it will help you find answers and expand to higher level of understanding. What I mean about it is always question it.


Stone Cold
09-26-2007, 08:10 PM
Link fixed!

Indeed, closed-mindedness is a sign of one’s impending downfall.

If you have some time on hand then I suggest you listen to Dan Burisch (former MJ12) on “Stargate secrets” from the Project Camelot website:
http://www.projectcamelot.org/dan_burisch.html as most of what he says does fit in with that from Henry Deacon (Physicist) and Bill Hamilton (retired US air force).

Also interview from other ‘whistleblowers’ that are worth listening:


Bob Dean Part 1 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/bob_dean.html)
Bob Dean Part 2 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/bob_dean.html)
Bob Dean Part 3 (with Marcia Schafer) (http://www.projectcamelot.org/bob_dean.html) Bill Holden (http://www.projectcamelot.org/bill_holden.html)
Jim Sparks (http://www.projectcamelot.org/jim_sparks.html)
Dan Burisch (Stargate Secrets) Part 1 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/dan_burisch.html)
Dan Burisch (Stargate Secrets) Part 2 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/dan_burisch.html)
David Wilcock Part 1 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/david_wilcock.html)
David Wilcock Part 2 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/david_wilcock.html)
David Wilcock Part 3 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/david_wilcock.html)
David Wilcock Part 4 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/david_wilcock.html)
Duncan O'Finioan and David Corso (http://www.projectcamelot.org/duncan_o_finioan.html)
Sgt. Clifford Stone (http://www.projectcamelot.org/clifford_stone.html)
Gordon Novel (http://www.projectcamelot.org/gordon_novel.html)
Duncan O'Finioan (http://www.projectcamelot.org/duncan_o_finioan.html)
Michael St Clair (http://www.projectcamelot.org/michael_st_clair.html)
Ralph Ring (http://www.projectcamelot.org/ralph_ring.html)
Henry Deacon (http://www.projectcamelot.org/henry_deacon.html)
John Lear (http://www.projectcamelot.org/john_lear.html)
Dan Burisch Part 1 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/dan_burisch.html)
Dan Burisch Part 2 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/dan_burisch.html)
Dan Burisch Part 3 (http://www.projectcamelot.org/dan_burisch.html)
Gary McKinnon (http://www.projectcamelot.org/gary_mckinnon.html)
Bill Hamilton (http://www.projectcamelot.org/bill_hamilton.wmv)
'Mr. X', ET archivist (http://www.projectcamelot.org/mr_x.html)

Aswell, the big picture with regards to current understanding of the core issues related to the presence of the visitors, and possible earth changes that may be ahead of us:


Like everything else you hear and read, don’t believe in it, be a skeptic and try to disprove it, conduct your own due diligence, research and draw up your own conclusions…There is no doubt that some of these guest listed above for example are mixing truth with lies to hype up their stories but nevertheless there is some truth in there…

09-27-2007, 05:58 AM
MICHAEL SHERMER I like very much because he goes on telling the other side of the story of why people believe unusual things plus he always debating against UFO's and more. I just like to hear the other side of the story and he at times comes up with a good argument. He is one of very few who I respect a lot and listen very carefully but again I always hear both sides to what ever story it maybe.


Here is another link.

Stone Cold
09-27-2007, 03:04 PM
MICHAEL SHERMER I like very much because he goes on telling the other side of the story of why people believe unusual things plus he always debating against UFO's and more. I just like to hear the other side of the story and he at times comes up with a good argument. He is one of very few who I respect a lot and listen very carefully but again I always hear both sides to what ever story it maybe.


Here is another link.

Thanks i'll check him out and those links :thumbs:


10-06-2007, 06:47 AM
There have been alien movies around since the 1920's, but recently these movies have adopted a specific theme: evil aliens come in huge numbers to invade and either occupy or destroy the Earth. Examples are "Independence Day", "X-Files", "Signs" and "War of the Worlds". There are official papers like the Brookings report that explain how the authorities are using the media to promote certain mindsets in the populous; they're encouraging us to love hate or fear particular things.

It makes me want to cry when they do that. The human race is a terrorist race, waging death and war upon anything and everything. If I was from another part of space-time and I looked down upon earth and saw how human beings interact with each other, as a whole, I would leave ASAP. Such a primitive race, you humans are. Why do you not see that your ways are unjust and unprofitable? Living the 'eye for an eye' mentality will get you nowhere in the universal consideration of awareness and will only fuel the fire for your own destruction, which will happen if you do not realize these things, and it will be just.