View Full Version : Picked up COD4 up Today

11-18-2007, 11:57 AM
Well I have been sick almost all week and still counting and after finding out here that the game was actually released I asked my wife to pick it up for me at the mall considering she was going for the third time this week. Now this was Friday mind you and I was waiting for her to come home with it so I can play play play. Sadly, she came in with multiple packages and a iced coffee and told me they were all sold out. I was a bit annoyed when I saw all thos bags in her hand and not game for me. I mean the kind of husband I am I would of went to best buy and picked it up if need be. So being sick and annoyed I started pouting and asked for the 60 bucks back and ofcourse she said she used it and then said she will pick it up Monday when they are back in stock. Annoyed even further because not only did I just lose 60 bucks, she expected me to wait until monday.

So Saturday I slept until 5:30 PM, woke up, showered, Brushed, and went to best buy to find a nice young kid to direct me to the aisle where I can find COD4. Started chatting with him which was a first considering most of the people at best buy are as dumb as rocks. He offered me the collective edition which I glady excepted for the extra 10 bucks because who the hell cares really. I got it and I am liking it so far with just a few issues. I need to get use to it because it's slower it appears than the older versions and so many new things such as having to earn your weapons. I am ok with that but just need to get use to it.

So who else here at GM bought the game and already playing? I would like to get in some games and join you if interested.

11-18-2007, 12:08 PM
I almost forgot... Since I told you the story I must finish. So when I got home with the game I went in to the kitchen and told my wife that I went to BestBuy and got the game. I also did not forget to mention that there was a shelf full of them:D . She then flips out and screams that I should not have bought it and that she ordered it online for me for Christmas. I am like "Hun, thinking I am going to wait until Christmas is like thinking a 500 pound man who has not eaten for 2 days is would not eat a pack of twinkies if it was hanging in front of his face. She got pissed and told me She does not know why she bothers. This has happened many times and she should know better by now. She is not to buy me anything for the computer at all because I most likely have it or it's just wrong (2002 Christams she thought she was doing me a favor when she bought me a kensington mouse and keyboard set:D ). I then asked her if she could cancel the order and she screamed no wich kinds pissed me off because I can not believ how much money I wasted with this game already. I told her to just stick to the clothes that don't fit and I would be ok. She knows I love her:) :thumbs: .

11-18-2007, 02:26 PM
:D thanks for the good morning grin :D

after being in your home, I have a very good mental image :P

11-18-2007, 02:27 PM
btw. some of your clan, Lethal, PJ, Snipexr and others are playing the game, so make a appearance ;)

11-19-2007, 02:35 AM
Haha nice :D xD

11-19-2007, 10:05 AM
ya biggs, lethal myself snipexr moqarna and stickman all have it at least, im sure valoth will be pickin it up soon once his computer is done as well