View Full Version : Age of Conan

04-19-2008, 11:31 PM
Anyone looking into this?

I'm not sure if it looks like something that would interest me or not.

This is from thier "About" page:

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is a massively-multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) based on the world and works of acclaimed author Robert E. Howard. In Age of Conan, players enter Hyboria with thousands of their friends and enemies to live, fight, and explore the dark and brutal world of King Conan.

Age of Conan's features include:

An advanced combat system lets you choose every cut, thrust, and swing in real time.

Groundbreaking graphics and advanced DirectX 10 features plunge you into a world of breathtaking beauty.

A massive fantasy world based on over 75 years of books, movies, art, and music, developed in close collaboration with Conan Inc. to ensure the most realistic Conan experience ever seen.

An unprecedented character development and customization system with combo attacks, skills, special abilities, and deadly spells ensures no two characters are exactly the same.

Massive Player Versus Player combat. Capture battlekeeps and wage epic warfare between players and guilds, or hire yourself out as a mercenary and battle for pay!

New and exotic classes, such as the Demonologist, Herald of Xotli, and Dark Templar, along with incredible twists on classics like the Ranger and Assassin.

A detailed and engrossing crafting system, allowing you to make everything from armor and weapons to an entire city!

Hundreds of unique quests for combat and crafting with extensive NPC interaction and voice acting, immersing you in the living world of King Conan.

An extensive story-driven single player adventure to start the game drawing you deep into the scheming, seduction, intrigue, and betrayal of Hyboria.

Age of Conan is consistently mentioned as one of the most anticipated PC games in development. It has received close to twenty magazine covers and more than fifteen awards, including numerous “Best MMO of E3” awards and the official “Best Online Game of Show” award at the GC convention 2007. Age of Conan is a key title in Microsoft's Games for Windows line-up, as well as a showcase title for nVidia. Age of Conan is set for release on May 20th, 2008.

And finally:

system requirements


OS: Windows Vista/XP
Processor: 3GHz Pentium IV
Video Card: Shader Model 2.0 and 128MB RAM: NVIDIA GeForce 5800 or ATI 9800


Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz (E6600) or better
Vdeo Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7950GX2 or better
RAM: 2GB or more

Enhanced for: DirectX 10, 64-bit processors, multi-core
Supports Parental Controls on Windows Vista

04-21-2008, 07:01 PM
wow thatw as weird. Did you and I post this at the same time Bingo? I thought somethng was going wrong with the site again. Are you planning on gettingthis game because it seems like it will be a very well done game. I read some of the betea tester views and many of them were very impressed with it.

Marz, google AOC and you will find many spots about it along with screenshots and videos. I think you find it looks great.

04-21-2008, 07:16 PM
Did you guys see the HDD spec for this game?

The spec I read on the AoC site was 30gig! Holy crap!

Thank goodness I just dropped some dough on a 320 gig drive :P

04-21-2008, 09:19 PM
wow thatw as weird. Did you and I post this at the same time Bingo? I thought somethng was going wrong with the site again. Are you planning on gettingthis game because it seems like it will be a very well done game. I read some of the betea tester views and many of them were very impressed with it.

Marz, google AOC and you will find many spots about it along with screenshots and videos. I think you find it looks great.

Bigg -

I'm intrigued by it. I'm on the fence about getting involved in a subscription online game, simply due to my interest in spending LESS time sitting around on the computer. Heh.

But I am wanting to be interested in a game again - it's been a while since something grabbed me and this certainly looks like it could.

Then there is the fact that I'd really have to go ahead and build a PC if I was wanting to run it - and that's something I've not done before (though I've wanted to give it a shot.)

So it comes back to - I'm on the fence about it. :P

04-25-2008, 12:49 AM
Bingo I am going to get it anyway and try it. It looks sweet and also intrigued by it. Now I suck at these games and truthfully embarras myself playing them but I like the slow pace sometimes which you know, I need.

Bob 30 gigs sems like a lot---wait that is a lot but you can get 500 GB drive for 99 bucks. I do wonder though how compressed this sucker is on the dvd or is it multiple dvd install.

04-25-2008, 04:48 AM
My roommate and I beta tested Conan. Neither of us think its going to be as good as everyone says its going to be, but i mean, its still going to really good. If you arent an MMORPG diehard, than you will find nothing wrong with it, and quite enjoy it. And yeah, it was 23.5 Gigs, so when it comes out, it could top 30. I still find that huge...

But I think Warhammer is the most anticipated game :P DELAYS! DELAYS!

04-25-2008, 09:05 PM
I know I will be picking this up. I know quite a few people that are, that are currently still with DAOC.

As for warhammer, well I'd play wow before WH. Too many reasons to list.

05-02-2008, 01:18 AM
My roommate and I beta tested Conan. Neither of us think its going to be as good as everyone says its going to be, but i mean, its still going to really good. If you arent an MMORPG diehard, than you will find nothing wrong with it, and quite enjoy it. And yeah, it was 23.5 Gigs, so when it comes out, it could top 30. I still find that huge...

But I think Warhammer is the most anticipated game :P DELAYS! DELAYS!

You contradict yourself here.

WarHammer is a game from EA. That alone tells me this game is going to be a let down. EA is the worst company in the gaming industry regardless of what company they buy to make the game. I would maybe consider it until I saw EA logo with it.

05-02-2008, 01:21 AM
Grimmy, Bingo, if you guys are going to get this game let me know. I am definetly getting it so it would be cool to hook up. I suck at these kind of games but this time I am going to take my time and learn it. It worries me a bit that it may be too complex to grasp but eventually I may get the hang of it.

05-02-2008, 04:25 AM
You contradict yourself here.

WarHammer is a game from EA. That alone tells me this game is going to be a let down. EA is the worst company in the gaming industry regardless of what company they buy to make the game. I would maybe consider it until I saw EA logo with it.

EA is just funding Warhammer. They aren't messing around with the game...

05-02-2008, 02:53 PM
Anything EA touches it will turn to garbage. I am not basing this on opinion either. Every game there name is on gets done half ass. If War Hammer comes out I will bet you anything it will be rushed and incomplete. It will take close to 6 months before things start getting fixed. You can research all of EA gamees and see how many complaints and bugs are in every game they put out.

If you buy Warhammer, I would suggest holding off until the game is definetly running right. EA will rush the company to put it out and the problem is with this kind of game the people will givee up leavingthe servers empty.

05-02-2008, 03:20 PM
well, it just got delayed...again. it doesnt seem rushed. i remember EA saying that EA will give mythic as much time as they need.

EA owns the Sims, battlefield series, Ultima online, the burnouts, command and conquer - red alert 2, and a few other good ones.
Don't tell me you don't like any of those...

EA has a LOT of bad games, but not everything they touch (and some all they do is put their name on) is crap.

05-02-2008, 06:31 PM
Sucidal, don't get me wrong about the games. I do love many but because of the company I have decided not to support them. BF2 was a great game. I bought it and enjoyed the whole concept. It took them months to fix it and beofre fixing it they started selling expansion packs that made people have to buy them if they wanted the new weapons etc. This is my point about EA. They do not finish there products before they release them. I would play BF2 today if it was from another company. I miss that game but refuse to have to keep paying it to be able to compete. At least they could fix the bugs. C&C I do play still and enjoy but they are not as good as they use to be. The only game I actually played was madden and another example is they have done hardly anything the past few years with the game. They did not even update the rosters again until December which is pathetic. They bought the liscense to the NFl which makes it impossible for any other company to make a football game with NFL teams. That is Bullshit considering they never get it right and now next year they are discontinuing the pc series to the game we were forced to buy because it was the only NFL game. So now there will be no NFL game on the PC and if we want to play an NFL game we need to purchase a console which in no way can compete with a PC when it comes to graphics.

EA sucks and if I am ever at a show where they are on display I wam going to knock their table over and spit at them. They are ruining the industry with their monopolistic ways. You watch, Warhammer will be F'd up after released and many people that waited will be pissed off. If I don't see ya arround, just remember I told ya so:thumbs: .

05-02-2008, 07:37 PM
I guess I don't have as much of a problem downloading exapnsions and patches as you do :)

EA HAS gotten a lot of crap wrong in the past, but I'd hate to miss out on when they do something right...

05-02-2008, 08:42 PM
I guess I am not making my point.

That is fine if you have no problem having to buy an expansion pack to a game that is currently broken. It is ok if you feel it is fine for a company to release a product a person will buy and it is bugged so much and instead of the company fixing the problem, they work on expansions to the product before fixing the problems.

You may be fine with such a company that sells a product and does not release a patch or update to the game.

Me, I point two fingers, one from each hand at the company and refuse to give them my money. If they do something right than good for them but that is not suppose to be wished upon. I expect each and every company to do it right. As far as I feel, I am justfied to play there games if I choose to with out paying for them and that is the way I stand with EA.

05-02-2008, 08:44 PM
And to show you it's not just me, google info about EA and see if there are others that feel the same. I think every statement I complain about EA is pretty accurate based on experiences.

05-03-2008, 07:23 AM
If you have played daoc, you will know about EA. EA bought Mythic, and since then, what used to take maybe 4-5 hours to patch and update the servers, now takes them 12+ hours, although it's more along the lines of 24 hours. I have seen them take the servers down at 5am, and they came back up the next morning at 2-3am. And the issues they said they were going to address, well they started in on it, but still over a year later haven't completed it.

A good bud of mine beta tested warhammer and hated it. If you like doing all sorts of quests, then warhammer is for you. Also, it's like they ripped off WoW, and the cartoonish look. I, myself enjoy the midevil setting and structure associated with that, keeps, towers, siege, ect.

Bigg, as soon as I find out what server and such I will be on, I will let ya know :thumbs:

05-05-2008, 06:07 AM
Cool deal Grim, I am in.

He Is Legend
05-08-2008, 02:36 PM
Im thinking of getting this game also :)

I hope a AMD 4000 and a 7600GT will be ok

05-10-2008, 08:08 PM
11 more days.:thumbs:

That should be fine Chao.