View Full Version : Iron MAN!

05-02-2008, 02:28 AM
Now this... [raises arms skywards, parts various seas] THIS... was a grand, fun old time! Finally, a film about an abusive alcoholic for me to relate to!!!

Caught this one some days back and i'm still at half mast. With impressive Iron Man teasers over-saturating the media of late, expectations were indeed high for my man Favreau to come good, and sod me if the codger didn't somehow manage to live up to the hype and kick my ass into all kinds of weird shapes and directions.

See, this is the way comic book movies should be done. Sure it's all basically cliche, but it's WELL DEVELOPED cliche! Too many superhero adaptations of late rarely bother developing characters beyond the simple stereotype of: pose, fight, occasionally speak, pose, fight some more, save the world, kiss the babe, roll credits, collect cheque.

Here it's different. Here you get:

A character driven origin story coupled with perfect leading man casting. This is essentially a one man show.
NO fast talking comedic relief. There is some wackiness with an AI but RDJ makes it work.
Man-boy Gwyneth Paltrow actually being tolerable. She is however still unable to form more than two or three basic facial expressions.
Jeff Bridges roaring like a sumbitch. If you haven't seen Wild Bill, what the hell are you still reading this for? Go. Shoo. Rent.
Phenomenal effects work! The integration between practical effects and CGI was nigh on seamless. Now that i think about it, this probably explains how they were able to make Gwyneth watchable, though she still looked a little fake whenever she walked down some stairs. They should work on that.
And best of all... a hero who is NOT angst ridden, who when it's time to get some back (spoiler)actually KILLS lotsa people without compunction! F%*@ YEAH, MAN! I am so over whiney bitch heroes. Hell, even before he dons the suit Stark is a funny, self-absorbed, womanising cock who's so charming he makes you like him anyway (the scene on the plane is a hoot and a half). There's not a whole lot of "heroes" who fit that mold. Sure Bruce Wayne, but that's a guise, whereas this IS who Tony Stark is, at least initially.As you should all well know, Robert Downey Jnr, inbetween jail terms, has long ruled on the acting front, but here he's finally hit a role that's better than any 12-step program; as Stark he's confident, charismatic and carefree while still having you completely believe his turnaround when it does eventually come (F you, Lucas)... and i'm well chuffed for the man. How the hell Director Favreau managed to convince the studio heads to go with such a troubled lead is a marvel (punnnnny!) akin almost to giving LOTR to gore-hound Peter Jackson. I'm still scratching my head over that one.

For the Marvel purists you get a revamped origin, a little War Machine tease, SHIELD... and yes, even Ultimates version Fury! (Stay after the credits for that one.)

The film is not without its flaws, of course (a weak end fight, and too many seemingly needless threads/characters - obviously prep work for the sequel), but basically by the end of this one socially awkward nerds everywhere should feel momentarily confident enough to toss their spiderman backpacks aside, leave the house more often, and maybe stare at a hot girl they can never have and NOT feel regret.

Iron Man? More like Awesome Man.

05-02-2008, 03:25 AM
I'm so glad to hear it!

I've been wanting this movie since I was a kid (LOVED the cartoon), and when I heard downey was doing Stark, I knew we'd have a hit!

I'm excited about heck - bought my tickets for tomorrow night on Monday, and i am READY!

05-02-2008, 05:21 AM
I'm so glad to hear it!

I've been wanting this movie since I was a kid (LOVED the cartoon), and when I heard downey was doing Stark, I knew we'd have a hit!

I'm excited about heck - bought my tickets for tomorrow night on Monday, and i am READY!
RDJ is an even better fit than Bale was to Batman. [makes soft squealing noises over forthcoming Dark Knight]

There's a wee homage to the Iron Man cartoon theme somewhere in there, no doubt you'll spot it. The dude i saw it with kept humming the damn thing right up until the opening frame... and he wasn't the only one! Sporadic geeks throughout the crowd joined in to form a horridly infectious brand of hyper-volume, nerd bravado. It was the longest 15 minutes of my life.

Another downer, alas, is the music. It's simply... workmanlike. There's no real iconic theme to latch unto and really make you cheer and illegally download. [sob]

Still, you'll have so much fun you won't even notice. And again, make sure you sit through the end credits for that extra scene.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
05-02-2008, 05:36 AM
Damn Pathos you are still the funniest person to ever post here. I bow down to your awesome wit. :)

Asian Invasian
05-02-2008, 06:40 AM
Pathos! Whats up buddy.

Gun Element
05-02-2008, 07:38 AM
Iron man is one of my favorite Marvel characters and would love to see him kick some ASS BABY! YEAH!

05-02-2008, 01:39 PM
Iron man is one of my favorite Marvel characters and would love to see him kick some ASS BABY! YEAH!

What's an "ass baby"?

Pathos, you've got me even more excited than I was prior to this (how is it Pathos always gets me at least a little bit excited?)

Gun Element
05-02-2008, 03:32 PM
What's an "ass baby"?

Pathos, you've got me even more excited than I was prior to this (how is it Pathos always gets me at least a little bit excited?)

Well its hard to do it in text, but they are two seperate entities. :P

05-03-2008, 07:18 AM
iron man was good.

my reviews quite simply amazing i must say

Gun Element
05-03-2008, 07:31 AM
Iron man is living to my expectations! It was an awesome movie. Glad you could come chouder. Didnt get the chance to talk to ya, its like you never came.... lol. The best part was the R8! (not really, but it was awesome)

05-03-2008, 07:44 AM
i agree, just hearing it made me do a nice big ol' smile

05-03-2008, 07:46 AM
oh yeah, an asian invasion....there was a z there that was charcoal and had test pipes just like yours. i got confused cause i thought it was you and then remembered that yours is black.

05-03-2008, 03:32 PM
The trailer looked awesome. This movie is high on my list to dow...erm...rent.

Thanks for the review Pathos!

Gun Element
05-03-2008, 09:07 PM
The trailer looked awesome. This movie is high on my list to dow...erm...rent.

Thanks for the review Pathos!

Id recommend watching it once in your lifetime, it doesnt have to be in the theatres. I prefer watching movies at home too.

Perfect aim
05-03-2008, 11:49 PM
Sounds Promising, going to check it out next Friday :D

05-08-2008, 07:06 AM
I liked the movie....finally a hero movie which has been build up in a decent way, not a "POOF here's a new hero!!" :thumbs: Too bad the "final battle " wasn't that great.

3.5/5 or 7/10....or maybe even 14/20 :P

05-08-2008, 01:53 PM
I forgot to post my thoughts, after all my going-on last week :P

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie - it has a perfect amount of humor, great characters (with actors that, overall, did a good job)...admittantly, the final battle wasn't that great, but then again, the enemy wasn't that great, just a good setup for everything.

I will say, though....that first time he tried the real iron man suit out...

When he flew to that camp and shot EVERYONE and blew stuff up.

you KNOW you were lovin' it. When the second movie comes out, and you get a lot of that....awwwww yeah!

05-09-2008, 12:50 AM
Bored, so heading to see it !!!!!

05-09-2008, 04:12 AM
I used to love marvel comic books. if you had bought their stock in 2000 (@$1) you would be sitting on 33x the money.

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
05-09-2008, 07:14 PM
We went to see Ironman this weekend. I never was a fan of the comic book, but I really enjoyed the movie!

05-10-2008, 08:11 PM
I am looking to see this movie as soon as I can get a chance.

You know those spoiler lines are bad, it's like putting crack in front of a crack head and thinking they wont jump on it.

I wish there was a pay per view kind of way of seeing this movie.

05-12-2008, 02:37 AM
Saw the movie and liked it. You know how sometimes you go to a movie and try too look for what is wrong with the movie,Well my new way of looking at it is = go to the movie to enjoy it and most likely you will. It has been many years since I have even looked at a comic book. I really can't remember any of the Iron man comics but think I did look at them.

05-12-2008, 04:19 PM
The movie was pretty good, it's well worth seeing at the theaters and a definite renter. The characters were well played and it was cool that the movie have several comical portions instead of taking on a strictly serious nature. Robert Downey Jr. was his quick witty self that we have seen from him in other roles which is something that I will miss if he doesn't keep his personal life together ... it's too much "Less than Zero". I liked Gwyneth Paltrow's role, she played Stark's right hand man errr I mean woman well .... she is very easy on the eyes too .... down boy down. The story flowed fast enough to keep you interested in what was going to happen next, which was a good thing because like most kids I had a ton of comic books but have forgotten the Ironman backstory so I saw the movie with new eyes so to speak.

I loved it when he tried the propulsion boots for the first time "OK we are going with a setting of 10 ....." :D

I think i'd rate it an 8.

05-12-2008, 10:21 PM
I saw the movie last night. It was a definite winner with huge potential for sequels. In fact, as some have said here (in so many words), it was more like a prequel. It definitely left you wanting more. My only complaint was it left you wanting a bit too much. I felt the ending was rather abrupt and anti-climatic. The final fight scene was somewhat predictable, and the final "tease" scene was just too quick.

Damn good movie though. :thumbs:

05-13-2008, 04:25 PM
of course there is going to be a sequel, that is also why they are doing a remake of Hulk. Marvel has tons of beloved series, and they are only now starting to put them to use (something that DC, owned by Warner has been doing forever).

05-14-2008, 03:44 AM
[warning klaxons] There will be mild to moderate spoilers below.... BiggD, resist man, i have faith in you buddy!

Well, as you're all no doubt aware by now, Awesome Man has been a huge smash. Opening weekend had it soar to $102.1 million - the second highest non-sequel opening of all time. Followup weekend has also seen it top the charts with an additional 50 million or so. Cha-ching! [eyes spin vertically] By way of comparison, second place Speed Racer managed "a lowly 20 million."

[pauses a minute to peel Wachowski poster off wall]

I don't normally put too much stock in these figures, but i am well pleased that a comic book film that truly stuck to the essense of the source material, that knocked it out of the goddamn park, that fully deserves to do well.. actually does so! I mean, must we live through another Roland Emmerich disaster epic raking it in? (I guess so - see the forthcoming "2012". I probably will.)

As far as the sequel goes, it will be interesting to see if they follow up on the hinted at alcoholism aspect of the character. Watching them manage that while keeping it family friendly is not quite as simple as removing the squibs on kill shots.

I caught the film again and a couple of things stuck out at me. The final battle, as stated, is not the best, however what truly irks me is when heroes/villains remove/lose their masks without real provocation. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? It shat me when Spidey did it (over, and over, and over) and it shat me here. It makes no logical character or story sense, and serves only to disassociate your audience from the reality you are trying so hard to create. Directors, we know you paid big money for these guys, but rest assured we know it's Tobey in the suit, we know it's Robert Downey. There is no need to remind us. We won't mysteriously forget this midway through your pictures. Promise! So make it stop. Ta. And no, Mr Raimi, i still haven't forgiven you for Spidey 3, so please don't make that face.

The other thing was the ending - i freakin' love this ending! Stark's final "ah, bugger it!" styled proclamation to the press flows logically as the obvious progression of the character thus far presented (kudos to the script), and made for a terrific beat/tease that is completely in keeping with its comic roots. I.e., the last page that completes an ark yet really leaves you wanting more.

I used to love marvel comic books. if you had bought their stock in 2000 (@$1) you would be sitting on 33x the money.
Indeed. You know, i've never actually read an Iron Man specific comic... though strangely i did delve into some War Machine stuff (an obvious precursor to the MERC stage of my life). I've simply never been a fan of Marvel; I always thought heroes like Iron Man, Thor or, God Forbid, Captain America were poorly realised and conceptually rather ridiculous, even in a damn comic.

What completely changed my mind was the day my bud slapped me hard in the face with a trade paperback of "Ultimates". Years later i awoke from my subsequent coma, read the thing in one sitting, and promptly thanked my buddy with a fierce cry of "I forgive you, because that was bloody awesome! Nay, that shit was goddamn CINEMATIC!"

He smiled back knowingly and said, "Actually, i'm just the orderly. But if you want to keep hugging me, i finish at 8... ?"

Somehow, creators Millar and Hitch managed to make even the ridiculously attired Cap seem f'n cool. Speaking of which, did we all see the Captain's shield in the movie? It's lying on Stark's desk when he's trying to get his armour off and CGI Man-boy walks in on him. That was such a cool little geek moment it was a full minute before i stopped hyperventilating and suddenly realised why my social skills never really developed.

And HPC... damn dude, stop that. I've been absurdly busy propagating new life (keep meaning to post some pics and introduce the little she-merc), but work has slowed down enough that i can post a little from here. And i really should, because scanning this forum i have seen every damn movie you folks have posted about. Not good. And how long have we had an Anime forum? Does this mean we all understand that Nausicaa is the greatest animated movie ever put to film? See, that's why i love you guys.