View Full Version : Pathology

07-17-2008, 07:37 PM
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0964539/
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT3bfaSfkKU
Plot: A group of med students hatch a scheme to see who can commit the perfect crime.

The critics didn't care too much for this movie and said it had all been done before but what the hell hasn't these days. I enjoyed this movie, it's not great but it has quite a few shock scenes, some strong content (some nice breasticles), things to make you go hmmm about and more than enough entertainment value to keep you interested.


Death Engineer
07-20-2008, 09:28 PM
I think I'm with the critics on this one. I'm kind of a closet Horror film geek, but this one just didn't grab me at all. Even the eye-popping conclusion was just kind of too much for me.

Sorry. I'd give it maybe 1/5, and that's only because the "save the cheerleader, save the world" guy from Heroes is the lead character. :P