View Full Version : Games...

Death Engineer
09-05-2008, 06:48 PM
So now that I've got a PC that can run current games, I'm running through a ton of demos to see what I like/don't like.

My expectations for Crysis were pretty low, but it was fun to play through the short demo. I expect I'll own buy this one.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare had me sweating profusely. The intense demo was astoundingly realistic. It was kind of love/hate thing here where I hated what I was seeing knowing that people actually go through things like that, but the visuals were so stunning I couldn't look away or stop playing. I'm unsure of whether I would be able to enjoy a game like this long term given the nature of the game. I'm much more comfortable blowing up aliens.

I tried World In Conflict yesterday and have to say that while I've only done the tutorial so far, it seems like an appealing interface. I'll have to see what the actual gameplay is like, but this seems like nice mix between a RTS like Red Alert and camera control of an FPS (WASD, mouse, etc). I didn't get the same pit in my stomach in the cut-scenes for this one. I guess the invading Russians seem like they have it coming. If the gameplay pans out, I expect I'll pick this one up.

Anyone else have suggestions on decent games within the last 2 years or so? I'm especially interested in ones that have downloadable demos so I can try before I buy.

Mr Clean
09-05-2008, 08:33 PM
Depends on what you like I guess. I think NWN 2 is fairly new if you are in to that kind of game (I am), but I don't know if it has a downloadable demo or not...

Death Engineer
09-06-2008, 11:25 PM
I'll check it out.

09-07-2008, 02:25 AM
there's no demo, but Team Fortress 2 is about $20 and I think you'll enjoy it.

Different feel, ultimate teamwork. Characters are a trip!

Death Engineer
09-07-2008, 06:26 PM
I'll check it out. I've seen some trailers and it looks hilarious. I like the teamwork idea.

09-07-2008, 09:04 PM
DE Shoot me a PM with your e-mail address I have a guest pass for TF2 if you want to try it.