View Full Version : Most Amazing Bees Nest I've Ever Seen

10-21-2008, 12:39 AM
So outside my office last week we find out there is a Bees Nest. I don't say Bee Hive because this thing is the most bizzare thing I've ever seen.

It's not a hive at all... rather this unreal collection of honeycombs all stuck together to make a nest.

This thing was maybe around 5-6 feet long in total stretching at an angle from around head height in the upper left down to just above ground to the lower right.

This thing was strung along, through, on, over and around the branches of a stand of Mangrove Trees at the edge of our parking lot. It's utterly amazing. What was very cool to me was how it was strung from the branches. It almost looks like a blanket at spots where it's got creases and folds. Then at other spots where it follows right along the branches and almost fades into the bark of the tree.

It looks like what caused the problem for us is that the middle section of the nest finally collapsed - most likely due to the weight of the honey along with some heavy rain we had last week.

The bees ended up attacking a guy and sent him to the hospital. I talked to the exterminator after the fact and he said he's pretty sure they are "Killer Bees" due to their aggresiveness and the way the nest was built.

Due to this, exterminators were called (Who in turn had to call in special bee exterminators) to remove them. He estimated there were well over 20 thousand bees total.

I posted some pictures on my Flickr page. Both before and after. The before pictures are down at the bottom. There are only 2 and they aren't that good. I wasn't willing to get that close to them to take the pic!

I did also post an overhead picture of the area showing where the nest was. You had to climb over a guardrail, drop down about 2 feet and then climb about 6 feet back into the mangroves to see the hive. I got as far as leaning over the guardrail. lol :P

Here's my Flickr page with all the pictures on the main page:

And here's the picture I took to give you an idea of just how many freakin bees there were and how big this thing was:
(By the way, you can see this full size at Flickr and really see the bees)

10-21-2008, 04:32 AM
Chuck Norris would have walked up and pimpslapped them mofos :P

Them dudes are nasty, I don't blame you for not going closer man

10-21-2008, 05:40 AM
That's a job for Mr. Flamethrower.:devil:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-21-2008, 02:59 PM
Freaky Deaky! Yeh, I would of been staying waaaaaaaay back from those guys!
thanks for sharing your pics Bingo :)

10-21-2008, 09:31 PM
I'd run screaming like a girl if I saw that!!

(well hobble away more like it atm)

I got a chainsaw you can use if you want to cut it down :)

10-21-2008, 10:44 PM
Flamethrower is right but also a bee keepers suit!