View Full Version : Graduation Day

04-09-2009, 04:12 PM
Today was Graduation Day so to speak ... i'll explain.

It's funny how similar getting cataract surgery done and high school are, you go for your first visit to get checked out like pre-registration for school, they call your name to go in when it is your turn sort of like morning roll call so you learn everyone's name, they schedule your first surgery and you see the same people there, you get to talking and to know them and then the followup visit the next day after surgery, then in a week they do surgery on the other eye and then the followup visit the next day, all the time you going through this with the same people. This last followup which was today is like the kids graduating, the people that you first saw there with the bad eyesight and/or thick glasses have stopped using them and heck one gentleman even drove himself there today leaving his wife at home, they talk about how things have changed in the past weeks and what they can now see and do. They leave the office with "New Eyes" so to speak seeing things for the first time in quite a long time with smiles on their faces and fresh attitudes like these kids that will be going off into the real world soon with new eyes and seeing things for the first time. Some will never see their classmates again, just as we will likely never see those people again but did enjoy the experience.

My dad had the surgery and I was sitting there today noticing these things, it gave me a good feeling from seeing it first hand and thought i'd share. :)

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
04-09-2009, 08:13 PM
That's great to hear, glad his surgeries were successful!:thumbs: