View Full Version : Week 15

07-30-2010, 08:45 PM

Week 15: Split Vote! If you only had one thing? TANK!

We split in this week’s vote. PC users went with Survival Versus and Xbox 360 users went with Four Swordsmen of the Apocalypse.

Four Swordsmen of the Apocalypse
Four Swords against plenty of apocalypse!

Armed with only swords the survivors face near continuous streams of Special Infected ready to be sliced and diced.

Versus Survival

Can you survive against your friends?

The first Survivor team sets the time. The second team tries to beat it. Then the first team tries to beat the second team's time. Then the second team tries to beat the first team's time. And then the... you get the idea. Rounds keep switching until someone fails to beat the previous time. We have added a start time limit.

How did the voting break down?

On the PC it was:

32% Versus Survival

26% Four Swordsmen

22% Hard Eight

20% Healthpackalypse

On the Xbox 360:

38% Four Swordsmen

28% Versus Survival

17% Hard Eight

17% Healthpackalypse

Similar numbers for the bottom two and a flip for the top two. Can anyone hazard a guess why we are seeing the split?

If you only had one thing…

Ignore the game for a minute. This is real world zombie apocalypse. You fought your way to a boat and boarded. You are unbitten. You are heading towards an Island in the Keys you hope is deserted but you have no idea. If you only had one thing you could wish to be on the boat with you heading towards that Island - what would it be?

Next Week’s Mutation: Gib Fest!


The Tank statue over at the IP Factory is available for pre-order now! This is a very limited run so hurry up and click here (https://www.gamingheads.com/index.php?option=com_myphp&Itemid=3&product=85).

More... (http://www.l4d.com/blog/post.php?id=4139)