View Full Version : Grrrrr they left me

09-26-2002, 06:46 PM
Well there was a lot of lag, so I took a screenie and exited, and when I was cropping it, I saw MOD from DOA come in. Must have been lag or something. It was so unplayable that last part.

09-27-2002, 05:17 AM
Yeah laggg is the story of my life now. I think I am going to be uninstalling Sam and archiving the CD's. Time for some new games, or at least new to me. ;)

09-27-2002, 02:44 PM
Slice you can't leave , your still kicking my ass bud , think about it .

09-27-2002, 08:19 PM
Sorry I have already uninstalled it. I am hanging up Sam for a while, because it isn't enjoyable for me anymore. In the begining I could tolerate the F9's, the major lagg, the people running by me knifing me while I am already running with the knife, the I shot you you're dead, no you're not dead you didn't die now I am dead. Sam has lost it's appeal. Out of the thousands of times I have played this game, I can only recall one time where I didn't have any lag the whole match. That is pathetic! So, being the weekend I am off to the computer store tomorrow to find my new game. UT2003 is not going to cut it either. I may even start getting in to console gaming. So what should I get X-Box, gamecube or PS2?

09-27-2002, 09:32 PM
console gaming does not offer the same community experience that the pc gaming world does.

personally i would get a ps2.. cause i like rpgs and realistic games.

09-27-2002, 10:44 PM
Also PS2 has a much bigger selection of games.

09-29-2002, 06:42 PM
noooo slice dont leave (i recommend ps2)
will u still be on the forums?

of course u are right!!

09-30-2002, 07:22 AM
Hey grimmy played you a lot lately thx for the screen shot lol piece!~!!MOD

OUTLAWS high ping camper
09-30-2002, 01:48 PM
[quote:d2d39c3b2b="Slice"]Sorry I have already uninstalled it. I am hanging up Sam for a while, because it isn't enjoyable for me anymore. In the begining I could tolerate the F9's, the major lagg, the people running by me knifing me while I am already running with the knife, the I shot you you're dead, no you're not dead you didn't die now I am dead. Sam has lost it's appeal. Out of the thousands of times I have played this game, I can only recall one time where I didn't have any lag the whole match. That is pathetic! So, being the weekend I am off to the computer store tomorrow to find my new game. UT2003 is not going to cut it either. I may even start getting in to console gaming. So what should I get X-Box, gamecube or PS2?[/quote:d2d39c3b2b]

Aha! So your avatar is waving goodbye, not hello! I knew it!
I remember when I use to run into you alot, back when I didn't know what a clan was (not that I know now :roll: ). You would scare the crap out of me with your skills. You are a super duper player, please consider playing once a week or something. You are fun to play with because you're good, and because you have a sense of humor. [size=24:d2d39c3b2b][b:d2d39c3b2b]DON'T GO![/b:d2d39c3b2b][/size:d2d39c3b2b]

09-30-2002, 02:18 PM
I am not going anywhere, I am just not playing Sam. I picked up a few games over the weekend. SOF2, GORE, and I am planning on getting UT2003 when our lame ass stores get a copy of it here. The thing that is really sad is even a game like GORE has better netcode then Sam! I am on dial up and can actually play the game with like 15 people in the map, and have no lag or bullsh*t . So when Croteam makes an effort to support thier game, maybe I will make an effort to play it again.

09-30-2002, 02:39 PM
i'm sorry to hear your not gonna play sam anymore

i would say a ps2

and i didnt like sof2 much and i hated the demo of gore, so m aybe you should buy other games

09-30-2002, 02:43 PM
So what happens to the GODS without Slice , he is y I am here !

09-30-2002, 06:40 PM
slice must play ss!!