View Full Version : instagib unlagged

03-14-2003, 07:27 AM
how do you join those maps?? The ping is low for me, but I just don't get it?? :bandhead:

03-19-2003, 03:47 AM
Grimmy here'a what it does

Description: Insta-Unlagged is every 56ker's dream; the arena for HPB's Revenge on all the evil LPB's that roam the world of Quake III. All the features of InstaGib (plus many more) with the power of Unlagged technology. In normal quake3 the server only stores each players current position, however, in Unlagged the server stores your past positions and can look up to a half a second back in time. Every time a player makes a shot with an instant-hit weapon (machinegun, shotgun, railgun, lightning) the server calculates where the player has been in order to find where the player should of been if it wasn't for latency

Site (http://www.digitaldelay.net/InstaUnlagged/)]

Hope this helps :hmmm:

03-19-2003, 07:38 AM
Thanks Frag. I am going to check this out :thumbs: