View Full Version : June update introduced!

06-02-2014, 12:22 AM
Original post by Angelo - Alligator Pit

The June Update is here! And this time it matters! For we bring you goodies and fixes! Goodies as in a few new levels, and lots of fixes to your old favorite levels!

Introducing: Faster! Faster!
A high speed survival map that quickly turns into a heap of projectiles, where speed is your only hope of survival.

Lynx Town
A wave like map where you have to carefully manage your resources, because you don't get any more.

The Warped Duo of Destruction, also known as The Plasmathrower and Minelayer, now available for modders and mappers to use in their maps and mods without having to rely on Warped. The Minelayer can lay 10 mines at a time, which is pretty awesome! And they are avilable in all Warped maps and the before-mentioned new survival maps.

We also added some other versus maps, such as Hoodlum's Backyard and Medieval Trouble!

And for those more interested in modding the game should look at the modding part of the complete changelog below, as we've included a few new features for you to use as well. We have Player Barriers, dev textures, ways to fake smart enemies as if they're not complete morons, and even the ability to make textures from PNG files.

Now we must go and celebrate this update, and start the update cycle all over again!

Version AP_2305 is now live with the following full changelog:

Brand new stuff!

Added two new weapons from the original Warped mod: the Plasmathrower and the Minelayer! Improved significantly from the originals, of course!
Added 4 new levels!
Added two new achievements for killing monsters and players with mines
Added detailed leaderboard information when you hover over them
Added a new Statistics menu to the Extras menu
Added level statistics! For each level, this will show your best score for campaign levels, your best time for survival levels and the total amount of kills and playtime gathered on versus levels.
Added a first in some new mutators which is the enemy spawner multiplier mutator for multiplayer
Steam Cloud now syncs player controls and profiles
Immediately see how well you're doing in the leaderboards when you die in survival


Added a new Survival map: Lynx Town
Added a new Survival map: Faster! Faster!
Added a new Deathmath map: Hoodlum's Backyard
Added a new Capture the Flag map: Medieval Trouble
Added a completely new and improved version of Brkeen Chevap
Massively improved a lot of versus levels: Hole, Red Station, Fortress, We Got Skulls 'n' Bones Too, The Lost Tomb, Little Trouble, Yodeller, Lefty, Compound and Docking Bay

New modding stuff!

Added barriers, you can make them by making a new world base and toggling "Barrier", this will make it act like any ordinary brush except that it has collisions and is invisible while remaining to be visible in the editor - as an addition to this, you can also toggle "Only collides with player" which will make the barrier only block the player, where as projectiles and enemies can still pass through
Added a bunch of handy developer textures
Added support for creating textures from PNG files (in addition to TGA and PCX)
Added an "Ammo amount" option to weapon items, this allows you to specify how much ammo you get when you pick it up (-1 will use the default)
Added an "Infinite" flag to enemy spawners, this is useful for survival levels
Added the option "Allow give up get closer" to enemy markers, this is to indicate whether they may be used in conjunction with "Give up to closest marker"
Added "Custom model" and "Custom texture" to enemies which can be used to set the enemy model and/or texture to a completely different one just for that level
Hud themes can now change element anchor positions (ask on Steam discussion forums for details)
Added hud_iThemeAmmoBarColumns which can be used to make the ammo bar have multiple rows
Added hud_iThemeWeaponsRows which can be used to make the weapons bar have multiple rows
Added con_fTransparency which is helpful when making Hud themes
Improved Rev Packer tool
Improved Rev Flags tool
Improved Texture Info tool

Fixes and changes!

Fixed a whole bunch of "Too many bad syncs" problems by use of better equipped correction packets
Fixed leaderboards not saving correctly on single player when replaying a level
Fixed "CRC error in DIFF" triggering on servers that had ser_bPure set to false
Fixed some rare connection problems people were having when trying to connect to servers or lobbies (hopefully)
Fixed some multithreading problems that caused random stuttering and rare crashes
Fixed Highlanders acting like Second Encounter highlanders on First Encounter levels
Fixed editor sometimes rotating an entity on banking while just trying to move it in perspective space
Fixed texture bug on The Pit
Fixed camera breaking not stopping intro music on Hatshepsut
Fixed a bunch of random crashes
Fixed Ugh-Zan not giving a million points when killed
Fixed some general problems in menus (both in normal usage and Xbox controller usage)
Fixed an exploit in Mental's needle
Fixed a problem where the player would get stuck in mid-air instead of falling down in Valley of the Kings
Fixed problems with achievements for finishing The Second Encounter (hopefully)
Fixed WorldInfo and SummonerMarker entities not being in the entity tree
Fixed wrong font on titles in Netricsa
Fixed Serious Jump still being active after you die and respawn
Fixed the Help button in Serious Editor and Serious Modeler not working
Fixed Newton's Nightmare unlocking on invalid occasions
Fixed errors showing up in console for some hud theme color variables
Fixed muzzle flash for secondary pistol not working correctly
Fixed rain on Hatshepsut not showing
Fixed game sounds playing in menu and lensflares rendering in menu
Fixed Newton's Nightmare value never increasing while playing in Space Ball
Fixed an untextured wall on Hatshepsut
Fixed an oversized statue in Elephant Atrium
Fixed a problem with the achievement for discovering Moon Mountains secret level
Fixed editor being able to still try to select Direct3D graphics API, even though it would fail
Fixed flames lagging behind in multiplayer
Fixed a crash in the editor when trying to send chat messages
Fixed larva offsprings not being able to die
Added the latest game news and player count in main menu
Added missing "X frags left" Hud element
Added screen effects like screen shaking to First Encounter levels (such as when a highlander dies)
Added filters to leaderboards to see only your friends for example
Added a master volume toggle to sound options
Added an advanced cvar cli_fPredictionFilterLocal for local players
Added gam_bAllowCannon
Added missing ghostbuster to exclusive weapons mutator
Print some more verbose information when raw mouse input can't be registered
Print some more verbose information when failing to set graphics mode
Updated Xbox Ghostbuster icon
Pressing the Shift key during demo freecam playback now makes the camera move slower
Changed the position of the ghostbuster weapon when switching weapons
Render unsupported characters in strings as question marks instead of slightly offsetting the text on screen
Changed some loading screen fun facts
Removed Serious Bomb from coop on City of the Gods
Renamed "Quit" in the ingame menu to "Quit to desktop" to avoid confusion
Changed leaderboard time display format
Changed some player model thumbnails
Changed score info Hud element to be a bit wider
Added some guards in case something goes wrong to gather some more information on random crashes
Game can be paused by pressing 'P' now as well as the 'Pause' key
Changed how the end of The First Encounter links to the beginning of The Second Encounter
Changed the way the game opens itself, should fix some issues with random lose of focus
Ammo bar in Hud now turns green when the ammo is completely full instead of remaining as yellow
Added "Invoke NETRICSA" to default controls
Added a fake door at the beginning of The Great Pyramid
Changed how the Ghostbuster fires, it's now a piercing weapon instead of a direct-hit weapon