View Full Version : Update: AP_1700

06-02-2014, 12:26 AM
Original Post by Angelo - Alligator Pit 1rst of May 2014

So we've been reading the forums and going through our bug reports that you guys have been sending in, and we've come to a conclusion: we have a new update. Fixed a couple critical things in this update, including workshop and networking stuff.

Here's a list!

Fixed some glitched textures in some First Encounter and versus levels introduced with the last patch
Fixed dedicated servers reporting "Steam authentication failed" in some more cases
Fixed a bunch of Steam lobby instabilities, it should be a lot more stable now
Fixed the "Server visible" option not working when starting a lobby
Fixed default controls to allow for entering Netrcisa
Fixed backpacks on the Great Pyramid level
Fixed a problem with an achievement on Oasis
Fixed a problem where the game would try to use its non-existing Direct3D API
Fixed level linking from Great Pyramid to Sierra de Chiapas not working
Fixed Netricsa view for the Commando enemy
Fixed a bunch of typos

- Alligator Pit