View Full Version : Update: AP_2421

06-11-2014, 06:50 AM
Original Post by Angelo - Alligator Pit 7th of June 2014

Time for another update! This time we introduce a new Capture the Flag map as well as a bunch of fixes for some common problems reported by the community. Check it out!

Added a new Capture the Flag and Control Zones map: Frontline
Added crosshair coloring to sniper wheel
Added two new mutators: Ammo Multiplier and Fire Rate Multiplier
Added spectator cameras to more levels that were missing them
Improved the following versus levels: Little Trouble (CTF), Compound, Grassy Zones, Temple
Fixed a number of common crashes when switching or loading some levels
Fixed items disappearing when walking over them but not really picking them up in cooperative
Fixed "From player" control schemes missing in the "Load predefined settings" menu
Fixed player being able to hurt themselves with a Ghostbuster
Fixed SpawnMob being able to be used in multiplayer
Fixed a problem where bulls would not fall down off the roof in Lynx Town
Fixed an exploit on Faster Faster
Fixed damage counter in cooperative never showing millions
Fixed the Ghostbuster not dropping on player death
Fixed some wrong weapons being given to players on some levels in The First Encounter
Freeroam camera now starts its position at the first spectator camera in a level instead of the zero point
Removed an accidentally-placed Rocket Launcher on Valley of the Kings
Fixed text formatting ^a being able to force alpha to full while render call was trying to render with different alpha
Text formatting ^8 is now gray (same as ^c808080)