Osama bin Laden
, 05-03-2011 at 07:44 PM (189333 Views)
I don't rejoice when another human being is killed, but this particular human being that was killed was one of the worst members of the human race in recent memory. He was an indiscriminate killer. He killed people in predominately Christian nations, predominately Muslim nations, predominately Jewish nations, predominately Hindu nations, and so on. It didn't matter if it was men, women, or children. It didn't matter what they did for a living, how much money they made, or even if they understood his warped view of the world. He hated free thought, religious choice, and economic freedom. Osama was no different than a Josef Stalin or a Pol Pot when you boil it down to its most basic levels. He wanted the world to fit his view of things, and anyone who thought differently was an enemy worthy of killing.
He was a sick individual.
His death is not something to be rejoiced, but it is something to think about. Because there are more of his type out there. Most of them won't ever have the chance to turn into the murdering, manical sadist that he became, thank goodness. But a few of them just might. Lest we forget, just because the odds of a Hitler showing up are small doesn't mean he won't. We need to be ever vigiliant of the possibility of a new evil trying to stake his claim, and be sure to the ready for it if one does.
Hopefully the Muslim world will use this opportunity to reclaim their religion away from the fringe lunatics and closet maniacs and make their faith one of peace and love again. The ball is in their court. May they be wise and swift in their actions and thoughts.