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Team Fortress 2 Update Released
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Happy Smissmas 2024! - All players who play TF2 during the event will receive a Stuffed Stocking as a gift! Stockings contain goodies for good little Mercenaries.
- Featuring 6 new community maps: Overcast, Fortezza, Penguin Peak, Patagonia, Cutter, and Maul
- Added the Winter 2024 Cosmetic Case
- Contains 23 new community-contributed items
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the case
- Added 3 new community-contributed taunts to the Mann Co. Store
- Taunt: Fore-Head Slice
- Taunt: Peace!
- Taunt: Curtain Call
- Added 18 new community-created Unusual effects
- 9 new effects for Unusual hats
- 9 new effects for Unusual taunts
- All cosmetic and taunt cases will grant Smissmas 2024 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include crates.
- Mann Co. Store winter sale!Smissmas runs through January 7th, 2025
General - Fixed a client crash when previewing imported items in the Workshop dialog
- Fixed showing an error model when equipping the Scottish Resistance
- Fixed The Executioner not hiding the Scout's dog tags
- Updated the Mountebank's Masque to fix a problem with the materials
- Updated/Added some tournament medals
- Updated vsh_distillery, vsh_nucleus, vsh_outburst, vsh_skirmish, and vsh_tinyrock
- General
- Added the gamemode intro movie (made by Lacry, thanks)
- Improved the delivery of VSH-related voice lines for Soldier, Engineer and Sniper
- Updated some VSH-related voice lines for Saxton, Soldier, Engineer and Sniper (thanks The Rat Man)
- Added Hale's kill icons
- Visual improvements to Hale's Ability HUD (thanks Funicular)
- Added a visual cue signaling an upcoming Saxton Punch!
- Minor visual improvements to Saxton Hale and his particle effects
- Fixed the boss bar sometimes starting invisible
- Fixed a rare crash caused by seeing blood decals on Hale while playing on low graphics quality settings
- Fixed a rare bug when Hale's Ability HUD textures become missing
- Balance Changes - Saxton Hale
- Added Brave Jump Fatigue. Each consecutive jump will be less powerful, requiring a short break to restore to full strength
- Weightdown ability is disabled during Jump Fatigue
- Increased Hale's health by ~100HP per opponent
- Adjusted Hale's health formula against 24+ opponents - Hale now gains 2000HP for every opponent past 23 (thanks Megascatterbomb)
- Hale's resistance to knockback reduced from 75% to 35%
- Head Stomp damage now scales with Hale's downward speed, dealing between 64 and 193 damage (previously dealt flat 195 damage)
- Balance Changes - Mercenaries
- Explosives and fire now deal 50% more damage against Hale
- The 40% minigun damage penalty now applies to full crits only
- Broken Demoman shields now retain the charge ability
- Demoman shields now absorb only 50% of the incoming damage upon breaking (a would-be-lethal blow will leave the Demo at 1HP)
- Greatly decreased sticky trap damage reduction
- Removed Scottish Resistance's 20% damage penalty
- Baby Face's Blaster now loses 20% of its boost upon Wall Climbing
- Updated vsh_tinyrock (additional changes)
- Improved performance
- Fixed odd clipping at one of the spawns
- Updated vsh_distillery (additional changes)
- Updated vsh_nucleus (additional changes)
- Fixed setup time ending five seconds too early
- Improved detailing in some areas
- Improved clipping on staircases
- Increased control point capture time to 15 seconds
- Removed collision on some lights
- Changed damage model and damage amount of the toxic waste pit and puddles
- Updated vsh_skirmish (additional changes)
- Fixed setup time ending five seconds too early
- Fixed an issue where Engineers could build in the crocodile pit
- Fixed not being able to wall climb certain trees in the main arena
- Fixed some lighting issues on stalactites and other props
- Parts of Hale's intro sequence no longer play while waiting for players
- Improved optimization and detailing in some areas
- Improved clipping on spiral stairs (Thanks Aar!)
- Updated security system
- Updated cp_brew
- The shortcut from RED spawn to the "A" point now has a nobuild trigger
- Added floor indicator for the health kit in the "A" point wooden shack
- Adjusted "A" point wooden shack to allow more breathing room
- Fixed getting stuck on the "A" gate's frame
- Fixed teletrap near "A" point ditch route
- Fixed being able to place buildings inside an out-of-bounds room outside "A" point
- Fixed some stuck spots near "B" point
- Fixed being able to shoot through a crack in the BLU forward spawn
- Fixed floating props in the diner
- Fixed one way door not forcing itself closed
- Cleaned up some collisions and clipping across the map
- Improved lighting on all of the archways
- Updated koth_krampus
- Fixed missing trees in skybox
- Improved look of waterfall texture near full health-kit
- Fixed minor visual errors
- Minor NPC clipping changes
- Fed krampus some oats
- Updated pl_emerge
- Switched on the cart light
- Fixed RED players being able to sit on the edge of an exit of BLU's starting spawn
- Fixed some doors showing incorrect textures
- Fixed the final capture point displaying an incorrect string
- Fixed the map occasionally playing incorrect ambient sounds
- Minor visual and performance tweaks
- Updated cp_carrier
- The Carrier now has full crits rather than mini-crits
- The Carrier now uses the robot voice lines
- Improved hearability of the Carrier's voice lines and footsteps
- Fixed visual bugs with the boss bar
- Fixed the Carrier sometimes becoming invisible while taunting
- Fixed animation glitches when a Demoman Carrier holds a Stickybomb Launcher
- Fixed occasional phasing through the elevator platform at BLU spawn
- Decreased size of the frog
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