Alley of the Sphinxes -- 1 secret
Another level with only one secret. This level is pretty much straight forward, literally.
You start out relieved of all your ammo, except for your Shotgun Shells. Collect some Shells, a health potion, and an armor shard. Kill the Rocketeers, Firecracker, and the Gnaars now attacking. Out in the desert to your left, you should see an oasis. Head for it and claim Secret #1, Rockets guarded by some Bio-Mechs, Majors and Minors.

Back on the main path, take the armor shard and kill the Bio-Mech Minor, Kamikazes, and Rocketeers. Get the next set of Shells and armor, then kill the Gnaar, the Kleers, and the Reptiloid. Now get the Shells, Rockets, and health cube. Kill the Kleers, then advance taking the Shells, armor, and health potion. More Kleers, and an Arachnoid Adult, will attack. When they are dead get the armor shard, Shells, Rockets, armor, and health potion. Some Rocketeers and Werebulls are your next enemies. Hint: I just let the Bulls ram the Rocketeers until they are gone, then focus all my ammo on the Bulls. After you've killed them, grab the Shells, armor, and health vial. Clear out the Kleers, the two Bio-Mech Minors, and the Bio-Mech Major. Now gather up the Rockets, health cube, Cannonballs, and the Cannon. ("Owned!") Watch out for a pack of Werebulls and a Bio-Mech Major. Get the armor and the health cube, then go through the door into the courtyard.
Get the Shells in this room, then collect the armor in the center to summon some Kamikazes and Kleers. A Werebull will also enter the fight. Now collect the Shells and the health heart to summon more Werebulls. When all the Bulls are dead, the doors marked with the flags will open. Pick up all the ammo, the health, and the armor, then enter the next area. In this next area you will get to use the four Elements you collected. I will leave the killing and the collecting to you here, but let me tell you about placing the Elements in here. Each Element must be placed on a pedastol surrounded by four torches. Each time you place down an Element, more enemies and items will be spawned.
When all four pedastols contain an Element, finish off the remaining resistance. Now gear up, and step back and prepare to meet your newest enemy, the Lava Golem. There are three different sizes of a Lava Golem: Small, moderate, and large. You are facing a large Golem. So large that there is a health bar at the top of the screen. It can predict where you will go assuming you keep moving in the same direction, so change direction often to avoid its fireballs. And don't get too close or he can pound you to death. As you kill it, it will spawn moderate-sized Golems from it. Kill them and they will spawn small Golems. When all the Lava Golems are dead, enter the door and exit this level.
Last edited by TheMaster; 12-10-2009 at 12:40 AM.
Kranak -- 8 secrets
Welcome to Karnak, the first part of the city of Thebes. Immediately as you start this level, and I mean IMMEDIATELY -- walk backwards past the closing doors to get Secret #1, the "Generous Yard."

If you miss this secret, the doors will close and remain sealed forever. So this is your only chance. This yard will prove to be not so generous. Collect the Cannonballs. Now in the courtyard take out the Bio-Mech Major and the Highlander. Remember that guy? In the corner to your left are some Rockets. Some Grenades are also to your left. Grab the health heart and the obelisk will explode. Kill the Lava Golems (Moderate in size.) that come after you. There are some Grenades and Bullets on the other side of this yard. Go back through the doors to the beginning of this level. Get the Serious Pack and go through the door into the next room. Kill the Rocketeers, Arachnoid, Firecracker, Marsh-Hoppers, Werebull, and the Kamikaze, then pick up the health potion. Back at the door which brought you into this room, look on the pillars on either side of you for two buttons. Push them both to lower an elevator. Use it to get to Secret #2, Cannonballs and a health potion.

Back on the ground kill the Gnaar Females then go through the door. Kill the Arachnoid, Bomber, Kleer, and Gnaar Male, then take the 8 health tablets. Around the wall take out the Kleer and the Rocketeer and take the Shells. Go through the door now and kill the Kleer, Gnaars, Rocketeers, and the Arachnoid. In this yard you will find some armor shards, Bullets, Shells, and a health potion. You will also spawn some Kleers and Rocketeers when you pick these up. Ignore the ramp leading you to a door, there is a spike trap right in front of the door. Head through the door to the right. Kill the two Kleers that will ambush you. To your left is a health potion, and then in the corner some Cannonballs. Turn around and kill the Kleers, Rocketeers, and Lava Golem, moderate size. You will now be attacked by some Bio-Mechs, Majors and Minors. Get the Shells from behind the building and enter it. Kill the Bomber in front of you and the Rocketeer behind you. Grab the health potion and push the button. Note one of the sphinx statues is moving towards the spike trap I pointed out earlier. Back outside, Mental seems angry that you pushed that button, so he summons a Kleer and a Bio-Mech Minor. To the left of the main building is a health potion which spawns Rocketeers and Bombers. Now another moderate Lava Golem, Kleer and Kamikaze will attack you. Get rid of them quickly. To the right of the building is a health cube, which summons more Bombers, and some Bullets. Enter the building to the right and kill the Kleer and Rocketeer. Push the button and note that the other sphinx statue is moving. Oh and take care of the Bio-Mechs too. Now move towards the main building and kill the Gnaars, Bomber, and Rocketeers. Get the health potion then enter the building. Get the armor and the Shells here in the foyer. Go through the next door. Kill the Rocketeers, Gnaars, and the Arachnoid, and take the health potion. Get the armor, Cannonballs, and health potion on the platform, and throw the switch. The sphinx statues will fill the spike pit with tightly-packed sand, allowing you to cross into the door that opened as well.
As you get off the platform, a Kleer, Gnaar, and Rocketeer will attack. Exit this area and kill the moderate Lava Golem, Rocketeers, Kleers, Reptiloids, Werebulls, Gnaar, Kamikazes, and Bio-Mech Major. Back through the doors you will have more Rocketeers, Kleers, and another Bio-Mech Major to deal with. Go through the door that you just opened. Start by killing the Gnaar, Kleer, and Rocketeer, and enter the room to the left. There is another Gnaar in here and some more Rocketeers behind you. In this room you can pick up health tablets, a health cube, Cells, and Rockets. Enter the room on the right and kill the Kleer. Then take the armor shards, Bullets, and the green armor. Now push all four buttons on the central column to unlock the next door. Get the health potion to your left before approaching the Arachnoids, Juvenile and Adult, guarding the golden Ankh. Once they're awake you will summon some Marsh-Hoppers, Rocketeers, Bombers, Gnaars, and Kleers. End this fiasco, then take the Ankh. Some Kamikazes will charge at you now. On the platform grab the Rockets and the Bullets, then enter the door.
To your left is a Gnaar guarding some Shells and armor. To the right is a Gnaar and a Kleer guarding some Shells, Rockets, Bullets, and a health potion. Grab the health heart and you will be locked inside. You will be lowered into a foggy area. Kill the Rocketeers, then the Bombers, then Firecrackers. And then two Gnaar Females. Kill the Kleers next, then the invisible Gnaars. You will now be raised back up. As you emerge you will have two more Gnaars to kill. Go through the next door. Take out the Rocketeers, Gnaars, Werebull, and the Kamikazes. Get the health potion. Then as you approach the door on the left, kill the Firecracker, Gnaars, moderate Lava Golem, Rocketeers, Bio-Mech Minor, and Kleer. Get the armor to the left. Get the rockets and a health vial and kill the Kleers. To the right get some Shells and Rockets, then kill some Kleers and Rocketeers. Take the Rockets and the armor, then go through the door on the left. After the cut-scene get the armor to your right and head out into the new area. Three moderate Lava Golems will attack. When they are dead get the Shells and armor. Get the health potion to the left and kill the Kleers, small-sized Lava Golems, Arachnoid, levitating Gnaar, and Bomber. Get the armor and continue on. Kill the Arachnoid Adult and the Bio-Mech Major. Gather the Shells, Rockets, and health potion in the corner. Turn around and kill the advancing Kamikazes and Kleers. Grab the Cannonballs and kill the Gnaar, Bombers, and Kleer. Note that the door is locked, and there is no changing it. Get the armor and the Rockets. Then in the right corner, take the Shells, health tablet, and health vial. Kill the Kamikazes and the moderate Lava Golem. Keep going and kill the Bio-Mechs, Kleer, Gnaar, and Reptiloid. Get the Shells and the health potion. Now kill the Bio-Mechs, Kamikaze, Rocketeers, and levitating Gnaar. Now dive into the pool. Get the health potion to summon some Electrofish. Remember to surface for air as needed. Grab the Cannonballs to open an area behind you which is Secret #3, Cannonballs, Rockets, three gold armor pieces, Bullets, a health vial, and three health potions.

Go back into the main pool now. Kill more Electrofish and get the Rockets in the right wing of this pool. Note the darker wall panel. Move up against it to open it for Secret #4, armor and a Papyrus.

It's a message from Croteam! They are telling you to enjoy the rest of the game and good luck. Nice little easter egg, eh? There are more Rockets in the left wing, and more Electrofish are spawned as you collect them. Now get the Rockets out in front and enter the tunnel. Get the health vial and kill some more Fish. Get the Shells and the Rockets in this next area, then look behind you. Get the armor shards on the bridge. Find and push two buttons to trigger Secret #5, which we will get later.

Go through the door illuminated with the torches. Collect the golden Amon Statue, then kill some Kamikazes, levitating Gnaar, some Kleers, Rocketeer, and Arachnoid Adult. Grab the Shells, Rockets, health potion, and armor, then use the portal to get back to the pool area. Get on the platform with the obelisk and jump into the water. This next area is the secret we opened. Follow the passage as it shifts gravity. Use the button to flip yourself and obtain a health heart and Ammo Pack. Head back to the pool area now. Take out the Gnaars, Witch-Harpies, and the Reptiloid. Head back to the door that brought you into this area. Note the newly-spwaned ammo. You will now be attacked by Kleers, Gnaars, Rocketeers, Bio-Mech Minors, a Firecracker, and a Bomber. Go through the door and kill the Rocketeers, moderate Lava Golems, Arachnoid Adult, Gnaar, Kleer, Kamikazes, and Bio-Mech. Go through the door to your left now. Some Gnaars will ambush you. The next area has Bullets, Rockets, Shells, Cells, Cannonballs, a health cube, and blue armor. The pool on the right has some armor shards and a health potion. The pool on the left has some Bullets, Rockets, Shells, and health tablets. There is also a wall panel that can be opened up for Secret #6 armor shards in a room with shifting gravity.

Continue on through the doors. The middle left and middle right statues are hiding some armor. The far right statue has a health tablet. So many Marsh-Hoppers will attack you now a health bar will appear. A health potion will also spawn. When you finish off the Hoppers, a horde of Kamikazes is next. Another health potion will spawn when they are gone. Now battle off some Kleers. Some armor has now spawned. Step onto the touchplate next to the door to spawn some Werebulls. All you need is one Bull really. Let it charge the door, busting it open and killing itself. Enter the door. Many items are in this area. I will however describe the enemies. You start out under attack by a moderate Lava Golem and some Kamikazes. Then you have some Kleers and Arachnoid Adults to worry about. You should find a dark wall patch on the left wall. This is a walk-through wall which takes you to Secret #7, an Ammo Pack.

Another walk-through wall is on the opposite wall, but will be activated momentarily. Now though take care of the Gnaars, the Harpies, and the Bio-Mech Majors. Now you have two more Arachnoid Adults to deal with. You should now get a message saying "Secret health has been enabled!" Go through the walk-through wall on the right wall and get Secret #8, a health heart.

When you are ready, go outside and take out the Werebulls. Or... you can off them right here from the safety of your alcove, well some of them. A second wave of Bulls will attack. Then a third wave. Now you will have some more Bulls and some Bio-Mech Majors. When they are finished off, go through the doors that just opened. Sam will place the Amon Statue on the pedastol, ending this long level.
Last edited by TheMaster; 12-10-2009 at 12:53 AM.
Luxor -- 8 secrets
Start by collecting the health cube and the Bullets, and go through the doors. Get the Ammo Pack, then the Cannonballs to your left, and the Rockets and health potion to the right. Some Shells and armor line the wall on the right. The next doors will open and you will be attacked by Werebulls, Gnaars, Kleers, and a Reptiloid. Head towards the Cells and kill the Kamikaze. Get the health potion in the opposite corner then go through the doors. Destroying the statue will summon some Kleers. Kill the two Bio-Mech Majors. Get the Rockets and the armor. Then go to the left and get the health vial, Grenades, Rockets, health potion, and kill the Kamikaze. Enter the door and kill the Kleer, then take the health potion. Go through the next door and get the Rockets. Get some Bullets and some Shells, then kill a Firecracker, three moderate-sized Lava Golems, and some Kleers. Gather up some Grenades, then an armor shard in the corner. This will cause an Arachnoid Adult to come after you. Some more Grenades are in the opposite corner. There are also some Rockets and a health vial in this area. Now enter the building to the left of the entrance. Heal yourself with the health potion. Get back outside and kill the Werebulls. Back in that building the ceiling has collapsed into the building, giving you Secret #1, a health potion, Cannonballs, and Rockets.

Grab the armor near the door. Now go through the door. You are under attack by an Arachnoid Juvenile and some Kamikazes. As you go left, take the Shells and kill the Kamikazes, Kleers, and Werebull. A Bio-Mech Minor and some more Kleers will attack as you approach more Shells. Some Rockets, Grenades, and armor are located in a dark area. Kill the Kleers that have ambushed you. Get the last group of Shells and kill the Bio-Mech. After climbing a few stairs, push a button. Kill some more Kleers and go around the central structure. Kill the Bio-Mech and the Arachnoid. In the alcove, get a health potion and push the button here, and kill even more Kleers, Bio-Mechs, and another Arachnoid that were summoned. Back at the front, enter the structure and quickly kill the Kamikazes and the Bio-Mech. Get some Bullets, then kill another Kleer. Follow the ledge out and kill yet some more Kleers and yet another Arachnoid. Take some armor, Rockets, a health potion, and kill some more Kleers. Grab a health vial, Bullets, and some Shells. Kill the Bio-Mech Major and more Kleers. Keep going straight and collect the Cells, Rockets, health potion, and the Golden Heart. Now fight off the Witch-Harpies. Drop onto the lower ledge, take a health potion and kill even some more Kleers. Take the health potion, armor, Bullets, Grenades, and Cells, and take care of the Kleers here. Heading left, take out the Bio-Mech and some Arachnoids, and yes, more Kleers. Go all the way to the right. Step onto the marking, which is a bounce pad taking you to Secret #2, a health potion. Use the bounce pad on the wall here to get to a ledge with Bullets. Find a discolored wall panel here and blast it open for Secret #3, Bullets, Cannonballs, and Cells.

Go back to the door next to the markings and go through it. Kill the Werebulls and the Kleers charging at you. Now enter the door on the other side and kill more Kleers. Go through the next door and kill the Kleers then take the Rockets. Kill the Bio-Mechs, Arachnoids, and Kleers. Now blast one of the columns for Secret #4, Cannonballs and a health vial, guarded by a Kleer.

Another column will summon Werebulls, Bio-Mechs, and a Reptiloid. Go around the yard and get the Cannonballs, Rockets, Cells, and Bullets. Now go through the next door into the next area where you will find the Feather of Truth. Get the Shells to the left and Rockets to the right and kill the Kleers. Follow the wall to the left and take out a Kleer that is waiting to ambush you. You should find a bounce pad that takes you to Secret #5, a health heart.

More Kleers, Bio-Mech Minors, and an Arachnoid Adult will attack you throughout this yard. You will also find some Bullets, a health vial, and armor. Start up the stairs and get the Rockets, Grenades, and Cells. On the next ledge (The one with an obelisk.) kill a Bio-Mech Major that just spawned. Continue to your right. Kill the Kleers and Reptiloids then take the health vial. Next, collect some Shells, a health potion, and the Feather of Truth. Take out the Harpies, Bio-Mech, and the Reptiloid. Back on the ledge with the health vial turn left and jump onto the ledge with a discolored floor panel in the middle. Get on that panel and then shoot it. You will be lowered into a dark room with Gnaars guarding a health heart. This is Secret #6.

Get back on the elevator and shoot it again to raise it out of this room. Jump back to the previous ledge and go through the door. Now that you have both artifacts, the door with Anubis (God of Mummification and the Afterlife.) painted on it will be unlocked. But first, you have some Kleers to take care of. Go through the door now and kill the Kleers and the Reptiloid. A health potion is in a niche to the left. Further into the room, kill the Harpies and take the Shells and Rockets. Go up the ramp to the left, and kill another Kleer that will ambush you. Get the Bullets and enter the hallway. Kill off another Kleer, then take the passage to the left and get the golden Ankh. Going back down the stairs, another Kleer will attack. Take the health vial, then go up the ramp, kill the invisible Gnaar, and get the armor. Enter the long hallway and get a health tablet. That teleporting sound you just heard was a Werebull. Turn around and kill it quickly. Head back to the main room now. Collect some Bullets, Rockets, and Cells, then go through the door. Note a huge spike trap in the middle of this room. This may sound crazy, but jump into the pit. Just when you think you are going to be impaled, SAVED! You are teleported into an area which contains Secret #7, red armor, Cannonballs, and Shells.

Exit this room and go back to the spike pit. DO NOT drop down there again, or you will die. Kill the levitating Gnaars and the Marsh-Hoppers guarding a health tablet to the left. To the right, a health vial. Now go through the door. You will see an obelisk rising from an opening in the floor. The obelisk will then open up and a beacon will begin broadcasting into space. Next thing you will see is a starship from the Sirian system on its way to Earth. The Sirians will arrive when we get to the Great Pyramid, which is not for two more levels. In this area collect some Cells, Rockets, Bullets, a health potion, and some armor. You have two Bio-Mech Majors attacking you now. When they are dead, get onto the platform and get the Papyrus. This one tells you of another mythical location, the Sacred Yards. Take this as a clue that a secret exit is in this level which will take you there. NETRICSA will tell you that you don't have time to try to find the Sacred Yards. I say you have all the time in the world. The next room is stashed with health vials, an Ammo Pack, Shells, Bullets, Rockets, Grenades, Cells, and Cannonballs. Enter the door into the next area.
There is an obelisk in the middle with four pedastols for four golden Ankhs. Your job is to find all four Ankhs, they are all located in this yard. I will leave the items and the enemies to you, but let me tell you how to collect the Ankhs. The right side of the yard will have the first and third Ankh. The left side will have the second and the fourth Ankh. You will collect them one at a time, and the next one will not spawn until you have placed the current one at the base of the obelisk. Each time you collect an Ankh or place it, more items and enemies will spawn. Each time you collect an Ankh, one of the pedastols at the obelisk will sparkle. Place the Ankh where the sparkling is. Once all four Ankhs have been placed, kill off the remaining resistance. Go through the doors that just opened and immediately STOP. Turn directly to your left and go through a hidden door for Secret #8, the exit out of here to the secret level, the Sacred Yards.
Last edited by TheMaster; 12-10-2009 at 01:50 AM.
Sacred Yards -- 10 secrets
You made it to the second secret level of this game, the Sacred Yards. NETRICSA is pissed that you didn't go right for the Great Pyramid, but I am proud. Immediately starting this level, go to the right and take the health tablet to activate the Silent-Walk Pill. This will deactivate all enemies and will enable the first secret, as long as you do NOT pick up anything until I give you the OK. Ignoring all items, head forward and go through the door on the right. Head through the next door into a room with a pool. Destroy the triangle in the center of this area. You just now triggered Secret #1, a health cube guarded by two Reptiloids.

Kill them and take the cube. Get the health tablet to spawn a very small Reptiloid. Kill him and you will hear a voice saying "Oh my God! You killed Pinky!" After which you will have to kill another Reptiloid, Arachnoid Juvenile, Arachnoid Adult, and some Gnaars. Get the health vial and the armor, then go back through the door. Collecting the health tablet will spawn a swarm of Marsh-Hoppers and some Gnaars. Collect the health potion and the armor, then go back to the beginning of this level. You may not get the armor, health vial, and Serious Pack without any interference. Go back to the pool room and jump into the pool. Kill the Electrofish then enter the tunnel they came out of. Surface into a new area with two health potions, then enter the door. The next area has some armor, a health vial, a health potion, a door with four bars keeping it sealed, four jeckel statues with buttons at their bases, and a goddess statue. Marsh-Hoppers are hiding inside the goddess statue. Now push the buttons at the bases of the jeckel statues. Each time you push a button, a bar will draw back and you will have to battle more enemies. You will face an Arachnoid, Kleers, Bio-Mechs, and a Reptiloid. When all four buttons are pressed and all enemies are dead, go through the doors that were sealed. Get the health potion, gold armor, armor shard, and health tablet. Then on the inside of this yard, collect the Cells, Grenades, health cube, Cannonballs, Bullets, and Rockets. No go through the door on the left. Quickly destroy the platform with the Gold Sphinx on it for Secret #2.

Take the Gold Sphinx. Now head for the button to your left, and the gravity will turn you upside-down. Push the button to raise a platform. Kill the small Arachnoids, then look under the platform for another button. Push it to raise a platform that will give you access to Secret #3, armor and a health heart.

Grab the health vial in this area and leave. If you want to push the other two buttons though, fine. You don't need to though since you already have the Gold Sphinx, and all they will do is summon some more small Arachnoids and Kleers. Now enter the area to the right. Use the floor switch to rotate the central ledge so you can get to the ledge on the left. Kill the Arachnoid Adults, and then jump up ONTO the button, then onto the ledge above that. Do a jump into the alcove to the left for Secret #4, a red armor. Repeat this process for the ledge to the right for Secret #5, a health heart, collecting the health potion along the way.

From your current position, kill an Arachnoid Juvenile, then shoot the block over in the corner to register Secret #6, a platform which will take you to the Gold Sphinx. But don't get on it. I have a better idea.

Use the floor switch to rotate the central ledge so you can get to the ledge out in front. Collect the health potion, and jump up onto the button and then into the area behind the pillars for Secret #7.

Now take the Gold Sphinx. The exit from this level is now unlocked. Kill the Reptiloids that have been summoned. If you want to push the three buttons to raise the water level, go right ahead. Then you'll have to take care of some Arachnoids. As you prepare to leave this place, head to the corner to the right and collect the Serious Pack. It will move towards the wall, but get it anyway. And when you get it, a Bio-Mech Major will bust the wall down. Enter the new area and take care of the army of Arachnoids and Werebulls. When you see the guys in the crate car, head into the alcove in the pyramid and push the button. Step back and watch the pyramid explode into a pyramid of crates. This little bit was Secret #8.

Head off to the right now. Grab the armor in the corner, then continue on to the next corner. Grab the health heart for Secret #9. Keep going and in the next corner, collect the Serious Pack. This is Secret #10, the last secret in Serious Sam: First Encounter.

Keep moving on to the last corner, and get the health cube. Head all the way back to the room with the podium for the two Gold Sphinxes, and exit this level. Now it's on to the final level of the game, the Great Pyramid.
Last edited by TheMaster; 12-10-2009 at 01:56 AM.
The Great Pyramid -- 0 secrets
This is it, the last level in the First Encounter. There are no secrets in this level. It's an all-out war between you and Mental's legions. All I can say is be extra cautious, preserve ammo if you can, and good luck. Start out by collecting the armor and the Serious Pack, then go through the door into the arena. There are two health potions and an Ammo Pack in here which will continuously be respawning as you collect them. When you move to get the Ammo Pack, the battle begins. The upper niches will open up, and a horde of Kleers will charge out. The battle music starts up. Good luck. I will also tell you what weapons I personally use in different phases of this battle. You of course are free to use whatever weapons you want.
For the Kleers, I use the Minigun to take them out. Hint: Shoot into the niches your enemies come out of. When the Kleers are dead, brace yourself for a horde of Werebulls. They will be coming out of the middle niches. I use my Cannon on these guys. Hint: If you are tossed out of the arena, you can get back in by using bounce pads on the outside of the map, or you can use a portal back in the first room of this level. One group of Bulls will be running around the perimiter of the arena. Kill them anyway. They are still a threat to you. After you've killed the Werebulls, you will have to deal with Bio-Mech Majors and Minors coming out of the lower niches. For them, I use my Laser Gun, and sometimes my Rocket Launcher. Once they are dead, another wave of Kleers will attack. Finish them off, then go through the door and watch the cut-scene.
Meet the boss enemy, Ugh-Zan III, loyal servant of Mental, sent out to blow the **** out of you. He must have had a bad day at work or something, he is destroying all the Egyptian architecture in the area. Right now he has only one way of attacking you, stomping on you. Later he will have other means of attacking: Inferno rockets, fireballs, homing missiles shot from his mouth, lightning gun, and a laser gun. You can dodge all of his attacks. And you can shoot down his rockets, missiles, and fireballs. But try to stay away from Ugh-Zan. And don't shoot him yet. You can't kill him with any of your weapons. If you shoot his health too low, he will regenerate it back up. Right now, concentrate on reaching the Great Pyramid. You will be collecting many Ammo Packs, health and armor items on your way to the pyramid. Among enemies that will try to stop you are Bio-Mechs, Werebulls, Kleers, and Kamikazes. The Sirian vessel you called in Luxor will arrive overhead and hover over the pyramid. When you get to the pyramid, a counter displayed in binary language above the pyramid entrance will begin a countdown to 0. When it does reach 0, the pyramid will start beeping and the doors will open. Enter the pyramid.
Cut-scene; Sam will place the Amon-Ra Sign on a pedastol that appears before him. The whole place will now look like something out of a Sci-Fi movie. Even some computer consoles will appear. The top of the pyramid will open up and divide into four beacons. The Sirian ship will also power up its tractor beam. As NETRICSA will say, the tractor beam will beam up certain lifeforms, while others are killed by it. Let me tell you right now not to worry, you won't die from it, but it is the key to winning the game. The statue guards will allow Sam to continue, and he will ride an elevator up a long shaft into the final area. Let me explain this place a bit. There is a beam of light in the center of this arena directly under the Sirians' tractor beam. You will need to lure Ugh-Zan here later. In all four corners are two accelerator ramps. These ramps will carry you to four hoops directly under the four beacons. Each time you pass through a hoop, the beacon directly above it will light up. When all four are lit, the Sirian ship will activate its tractor beam. There are two Ammo Packs, a health heart, and some armor in the four corners as well. Jump through three hoops to light three beacons. Now I recommend you use your Cannon here.

Shoot Ugh-Zan until the health bar is down in the red. Then while keeping it there, lure him onto the central beam of light, then light the fourth beacon. The tractor beam should hit Ugh-Zan killing him, assuming you did everything correctly. Sam will be beamed aboard the vessel, where he will set a course for the Sirian system. He will phone Mental as well. When the conversation is over, the level, and the game, ends.
Congratulations! You've just won Serious Sam: First Encounter. Hope you had fun playing. And I look forward to seeing you again in Second Encounter.
Last edited by TheMaster; 12-10-2009 at 03:18 AM.
Giving this thread a bump because I included some screenies for the secrets.
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