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Thread: CLUK15: 23rd-25th February 2007 - Staffordshire

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    CLUK15: 23rd-25th February 2007 - Staffordshire

    We know it's ages away, but every year we get a sellout on this event, so if you want to come, you need to book your place fast!

    Dates: 23rd-25th February 2007
    Times: 4pm Friday - 6pm Sunday
    Venue: Moorlands Village Hall, Bagnall, Stoke-on-Trent
    Cost: £30 Participant (£35 on the door) / £3 per day spectator
    Capacity: 55 Participants

    Features: Fast network with 2Gbps backbone, 2Mbps ADSL, bring your own beer, separate sleeping area, console area (XBox360, Playstation2, Gamecube), social room, Domino's Pizza delivery, monitor rental, fully equipped kitchen.

    We are planning to bring in outside caterers for a curry night this event on the Saturday, keep an eye on the curry thread for more information.

    Signups and payments are already open and filling fast. To join in the fun, go to www.centralanuk.co.uk to sign up or come and chat with the team in #CentralanUK on Quakenet
    Last edited by Winbar; 11-08-2006 at 12:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Status: Deceased Ibrahim's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Senior Member SHOTGUNmaniac's Avatar
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    That makes it 1 hour from here... lol

  4. #4
    Administrator Die Hard's Avatar
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    3 from me but I'd but up for it
    ....Too fast to live, too young to die....

    ....In Hiding.....

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terminathare
    Good luck on your event....stop by and say Hi more than once a year
    lol! - Sorry! It's normally Branflake that does the posting on here for Centralan

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Staffordshire UK
    Yes, im the one that spams your forums. Would be nice if a few of you made it up to one of our events.

  7. #7
    PkS ~ J a v I Digital Fighter's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    On the First Day of Christmas, Winbar Gave to Me...

    I'm still feeling generous would you believe! So i've decided to give the next 12 people who pay for CLUK15 a bit of a reward.

    Now, the sooner you get in there with your payment the better the deal you'll get. This offer starts tomorrow at 10am. To claim it, you need to catch me or one of the other CLUK staff in IRC, let us know that you are ready to pay, and we'll explain how to get your discount.

    So the offers:
    1st 2 to Pay: 50% off CLUK15!
    3rd-4th to Pay: 1/3 off CLUK15
    5th-8th to Pay: £5 off CLUK15
    9th-12th to Pay: Free Breakfast @ CLUK15

    Offer ends when all 12 discounts have gone or 23/12/06 whichever is sooner.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Staffordshire UK

    Date and venue change.

    CentralanUK is pleased to announce that CLUK15 will be taking place in the new home of the Alsager Campus of the MMU University bringing you our first 100 player LAN. Full details are gradually being rolled out onto the site and the event mini-site will be updated this evening with details about the venue change, in the mean time take a look at www.centralanuk.co.uk/forums where there are some snippets of information to wet your appetite.

    Unfortunately this does involve a change of dates to the event, it will now be taking place from 4pm on Friday 9th March through until 6pm on Sunday 11th March. We apologise to those inconvenienced by the change, there will be an email circulated over the weekend explaining options and the procedure for refunds if you cannot now make the event.

    There are so many new features brought to the LAN, as you will see listed below. Unfortunately these things do come at a cost, we've tried to carry these costs where possible but unfortunately has had to result in an increase in price for events held at this venue. We have compared our pricing to other events of a similar size and that provide the same features (and there are not that many we could find with a swimming pool on site!!) therefore the cost of an event will now be £40 when held at this venue.
    We appreciate that people have already committed to attend this event and when they signed up had the option of paying £30. Therefore we will extend the price of £30 for 2 weeks. So you have until 26th January to pay at the current price of £30 - saving £10! We will also look at further ways of introducing discounted payments including extending our early payment discount, so many of you will still be able to get the LAN for £35

    So what are you getting for your money?
    • Closer to M6 Motorway Junction and on the edge of a town centre with shops/restaurants/take-aways within walking distance from the venue.
    • Large amounts of onsite parking
    • Improved toilet facilities and showers on site!
    • Free Camping space + limited private rooms available on site for a competitive rate.
    • Improved gaming area – more participant spaces, dimmable lighting, fully fan ventilated
    • Stage area for tournaments and big screen displays
    • Social Area including bar and pool tables
    • Swimming Pool & Sports Hall open to the public on site!
    • 24 Hour Security

    Keep an eye out on the site and on the forums for more details as they develop!!

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