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Thread: mIRC for Serious Sam :)

  1. #11
    PkS ~ J a v I Digital Fighter's Avatar
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    For what is this?


  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by EXEcution View Post
    Ok more people need to idle on this channel. That means you fifth! And anyone else who is interested in setting up matches.
    I am there almost all the time when I am on the Net.

  3. #13
    We need people to be on mIRC. Please install it and enjoy.

  4. #14
    Limited Edition EXEcution's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Fighter View Post
    For what is this?
    Ok well to clear this up for everyone mIRC is a chat client used primarily by gamers. Think of it like a bunch of AIM chatrooms, each of these chatrooms is called a channel or "chan" for short. These channels are hosted on some server, our server is quakenet.org. The names of the channels are denoted by the pound sign "#" followed by the name of the chan. In this case our channel name is #clanbase.ss.

    You can download mIRC from the link 5th posted in the thread. All you have to do is pick out a name to use and then connect to the server and join the #clanbase.ss channel. You don't have to chat there all the time many players just idle there and whenever someone begins to chat then you will be alerted an can respond. mIRC is open-source software and there are many commands available as well as the option to run some cool scripts and you can also share files.

    If more people join and someone hosts a private ClanBase server we can have matches whenever someone on the channel wants to play. The server will have a password and the admin of the server will change it daily so that people who want to play serious matches will have a chance and all of the spammers and alias players will stay away.

    This is a great way for us to reunite the Serious Sam community so lets make it happen people. GET mIRC NOW!
    My Serious Sam Vids:
    Damnation - Frag
    You Wouldn't Believe - Trick

  5. #15
    Well said, Exe.

  6. #16
    OUTLAWS OUTLAWS Tip's Avatar
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    Nice explanation Exe.

    I downloaded and installed from your link. It says I have some time before I have to register and pay. Tip won't be paying, so I guess I won't be using the program. Also tried the first link and it also asked me to register and pay. I deleted both.
    -=(OUTLAWS)=- TIP

    A day dawns, quite like other days; in it, a single hour comes, quite like other hours; but in that day and in that hour the chance of a lifetime faces us.
    - Maltbie Babcock

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAWS Tip View Post
    Nice explanation Exe.

    I downloaded and installed from your link. It says I have some time before I have to register and pay. Tip won't be paying, so I guess I won't be using the program. Also tried the first link and it also asked me to register and pay. I deleted both.
    You won't pay for that, do not worry.

    When it will expire you will have just to click "continue" button.

  8. #18
    OUTLAWS OUTLAWS Tip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5th Element View Post
    You won't pay for that, do not worry.

    When it will expire you will have just to click "continue" button.
    Ahh, that fits cheapo Tip nicely.
    -=(OUTLAWS)=- TIP

    A day dawns, quite like other days; in it, a single hour comes, quite like other hours; but in that day and in that hour the chance of a lifetime faces us.
    - Maltbie Babcock

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAWS Tip View Post
    Ahh, that fits cheapo Tip nicely.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Xeno's Avatar
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    We just make a pardy

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