I just heard, r.i.p freestyler, an ace dude both irl and in game, was an honour to have played this game against you m8
I just heard, r.i.p freestyler, an ace dude both irl and in game, was an honour to have played this game against you m8
I felt sad.Rest is peace is good.Hope for the best.
OMG - I am very sad by this, in my absense- I didnt even know
RIP Freestyler..
Americans should never underestimate the constant pressure on Canada which the mere presence of the United States has produced. We're different people from you and we're different people because of you. Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is effected by every twitch and grunt. It should not therefore be expected that this kind of nation, this Canada, should project itself as a mirror image of the United States.
- (Prime Minister) Pierre Elliot Trudeau
I can't believe I am just reading this I guess I've been away too long.
I remember playing Freestyler and he was a very good player and a good sportsman. You couldn't ask for a better player to help hone your own skills.
RIP Buddy
RIP freestyler
Felt some Sam nostalgia of late and thought it unacceptable that I had never commented on this thread.
Thinking back, I'm sure I spent a greater portion of my freshman Sam year watching player demos than I did actually playing the game (you know, in a desperate bid to find a cure to my nightly in-game suffering). Of the many demos I played back and all those I admired and sought to learn from, a certain Freestyler was always my absolute favourite to ride shotgun with. Aliased or not I became so familiar with his game he was instantly identifiable via POV, and indeed my all time favourite demo starred FS taking down an entire horde of Mercs in the Tombs. You all know how that map can be in a full server, and that one game, while not an easy win for him, was a thing of chaotic carnage and beauty. I'll post it someday.
Someone nailed it earlier when they called him a natural - that's absolutely spot on! He had a flow and momentum to his game that, well, you could feel that this was fun for him... if not so much for those suffering at the receiving end of his endeavours. Though our actual verbal interactions were sadly limited, he was thus a huge stylistic influence early on as I settled into a fragmatch identity of my own, and while my abilities were but a distant echo of his talent, I offer up some of the better elements in sincere homage.
Watching him play Sam made ME want to play Sam, and I can think of no greater kudos from the sadly limited perspective of a fellow gamer.
Rest in Peace indeed. [ledge lumps and launches an aerial rocket skyward in his honor]
Last edited by Pathos; 06-17-2013 at 08:00 AM.
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