Well, I guess I can post these screens of games I played as Warmachine now that SS:SE has been replaced with SS:SE HD. I hope there's no hard feelings, since it was all in good fun and I think I paid homage to a true legend of Serious Sam...MERC Warmachine. This was a player from 2002 that was one of the best players I've ever seen and partially as a tribute, I played as him in the last few months that I played SS:SE (2007), first as just Warmachine and then as being part of MERC. I have many fond memories, especially playing with Dangerous Dan. If anyone here remembers playing against Warmachine in 2007, that was me and I almost never chatted in game and played a good game I feel. Anyways, here are some of the screenshots from the games I played under that name. I just zipped a folder I had for that name and haven't gone over them so it's all unfiltered for your viewing pleasure. I've got nothing to hide. It's just a game folks

Link: http://www.multiupload.com/WJWKDRVIT4