New MERCs - SALvation - September 3rd, 2002
Due to FTP difficulties I was unable to update the site since launch but it looks like it has been worked out now. Welcome two new MERCs to the gang, Halo and Free Styler. Both have excellent talent and I am very happy to be fighting on the same side with them now.

Site Redesign - SALvation - August 21st, 2002
Out of the blue comes a completely redesigned MERC site! This site features a number of improvements including more links at the top, updated information, and a cleaner look that doesn't restrict us to the look of just one game (gotta prepare for UT2k3 :) )

MERC Rankings - SALvation - August 21st, 2002
Due to the sometimes inaccurate rankings at cSports, MERC has come up with our new ranking system. See the details under the Misc tab.

Other Games - SALvation - August 21st, 2002
Looking to put the hurt on your favorite MERC in a game other than Serious Sam? Take a look under the Games tab to see where MERCs can be found in other games (and consoles).

1v1 MERC Style - SALvation - August 21st, 2002
If you ever want to challenge a MERC 1v1, you must follow these rules as we feel they make the match as even as possible. No health, or armor and the server must be set to "Hard" difficulty. Bring it!